Thursday, March 29, 2007

Teenagers or soon to be one

How many of you out there have a teenager or soon to be one?

Is it me or is there some mystical power that overcomes these kids at this age that takes over their abilities to remember things and to carry out simple tasks in a timely fashion?

We weren't this forgetful.............................were we???????

Maybe it's just a girl thing? (Just a question, don't go ape shit on me)

I grew up (still to be determined) in a household of boys so I'm not really sure how girls at this age really act.

I am grateful that she is a good kid with a great personality and is extremely funny. However the ability to remember little things totally escapes her mind and thinks nothing of it? This is the part that drives me crazy! (it's a short trip if you haven't made it yet)

So that being said is there any "good" advice from those of you who have similar issues?


Mcgon said...

Randy - Sounds like she is maturing. Next or now comes the boys. Definatley forget about hangin with Mom and Dad cause they are not cool or whatever they call it now? I Don't have a teenager but we listen to all the stories so we have a heads up! Best advice I can give is to bite your tongue alot and remember we were all kids once and did alot worse or not? When they get out of control, well thats when the parenting skills come into play!

Vicky said...

Randy, I am so with you on this. Mine's only 9, but she's already working on her attitude! I'm not looking forward to teenage years, puberty, boys, and everything else. Kids scare the crap out of me to be honest, because I think they are so much more savvy nowadays than we ever were at that age. As for forgetting things, well I have been known to tell Georgia she'd forget her butt if it weren't attached! Sorry, I have no advice, but I'm right there with you!

randyg said...

The forgetfullness is the part that is driving me insane. Just this morning I dropped her off at school and 20 minutes later I get a call from her. She says "Dad.....(long pause)....are close to home...cause I forgot my Social Studies project at the house"? So I look at the clock and it's 7:30 AM and begin to wonder if it's too early to begin drinking on a Friday (and I don't drink much anymore). I'm glad that we are not the only ones going through this stage.

Rock - as for the next stage "boys" I think I'm going to start hunting again. LOL

Michelle (Heist) Edwards said...

Well Randy, as you know I have a daughter the same age as yours and I have to tell you that one of us will probably not survive til graduation. My daughter has a heart of gold but she also has an attitude. She is forgetful to and very hormonal. She is into the boy thing which is very scary. I am soon going to have to buy the shotgun for the front door. I live your life everyday and I all can say is that I really hope it gets better. If anyone has any words of wisdom, bring it on.

kristen said...

well, randy, i can tell you it is NOT a girl thing! Jake is horrible with remembering to do things...i tell him at dinner time that its garbage night and when he's done, to put it thing you know he's off to play or whatever and i am reminding him again! it's not only the garbage either, its everything....he isnt into girls yet, thank fact most of his friends are not, and he will be 13 next far as his attitude goes, he is so much more like a girl, whiny and moody!!! however, he in spite of all that, he is very respectful and good mannered and i wouldnt trade him for the world! i try to stay calm, but its the fact that i say the same thing over and over again, everyday and it still doesnt sink in...thats the most frustrating thing

mj jones said...

well my daughter is almost 7 and she allready has the little attitude going, I hate to say it but she is just like me and it is scary!!! I put my mom through hell many days and am not looking to get paid back. Of course my mom was a pushover and I am not. Just stick to your guns and when a punishment is giving follow through. I have so many friends who threaten and never follow through then the kids become aware of that and walk all over them. I agree w/ the above pick your battles not everything is worth argueing over. I do think part of it is being a girl and hormones. I dread when she gets PMS things could get really ugly then. As for my son other than him not wanting to get up in the morning he has no mood changes. That could all change though since he hasn't hit puberty yet. Oh and by the way what's wrong w/ forgetting things thats perfectly normal I do it all the time!!! and so do my kids I always tell Lindsey she has a no track mind (instead of 1 track)because she can't stay on task for anything except maybe the promise of a doughnut as a reward. HMMM that makes her more like me than I thought!!

Carol (Schleicher) Good said...

Well, I am happy to admit that my son has not turned into a terrible teen yet. He just turned 13 about a month ago. He is a very laid back kid, loves sports and he still loves to hang out with the family. He doesn't really have the attitude problems and I am very glad that he is not into girls yet! Right now he is into baseball, basketball and football. The best part of having a teenager, is that we have a babysitter when we need one. The boys get along surprisingly well and we only get the occasional call that one is picking on the other. We'll see what happens over the next few years, but so far it has been smooth sailing. I'm not sure what it would be like if we had a house full of girls instead of a house full of boys.

TerriE said...

Randy- All my friends tell me that boys are much easier than girls and I think there's something to it. Why is it I can handle 30 kids in a classroom all day long yet when it comes to getting Shuli ready in the morning I feel like losing it (and I'm not talking my memory)!!! She's 9 like Vicki's daughter and the attitude is like a teen's. I'm with you on the drinking part even though I'm not a heavy drinker...damn I think about having one frequently now that I can't! So, if you need a drink, please have one for me.

randyg said...

Anybody up for a drink later this evening?

mugs said...

I have another 8yrs to wiat for teens but Robb, Rusty and myself always said if we had girls.
When they bring over a date for the Intro, to make sure you are cleaning a gun at that

kristen said...

and mike, it couldnt have worked out better if you'd have planned it that way!!! i love that you guys have all girls! lol

and randy, try this one...when your daughter wants something, just continue to "forget"...i've been doing that with jake, he just has to have new sneakers (although there is nothing wrong with the old ones!) and i keep saying next week, next week...oh yea, i forgot

randyg said...

Kristen - my latest tactic is whenever she is doing a normal human function such as putting on a coat, getting a glass of water, or putting on her shoes I'll run up to her and say "How did you remember how to do that"? She gets really ticked off when I do it to her.