Graduating class of 1986
Thank you Matt (and friends) for putting this virtual community together, and thank you class officers for making this class reunion a reality. I also wanted to thank everyone who has posted on this site and for allowing the rest of us to find out what you have been up to and for a place we can use to re-start old friendships. I believe that this web site must be as addictive as Crack, because I can’t seem to ever read enough of it.
Because of this web site I have started emailing and talking with good friends that I have not seen or communicated with in over fifteen years. There are still many others that I can’t wait to see or talk with soon.
Like many others from our class I have not sat still for very long. After graduating from Catty High I lived and served a two year Christian Mission in Chile, S.A. When I got back to PA, I packed my things and moved out West. I got married in California and I went to school and graduated from Brigham Young University. After BYU I moved to Oklahoma and graduated from the University Of Oklahoma College Of Law. After being in the work force for a few years, my company transferred my wife and I to Atlanta, Georgia. In 2002 I opened a transactional law firm specializing in Real Estate and Immigration law. My wife’s name is Tara and we have three beautiful children; Olivia 4 ¾, Diego 3 and Leo who is almost a year old.
Catasauqua was a great town to grow up in, I’m glad I had that opportunity.
Christopher Nogales
-- (Judy, I had no idea you were sick but I am glad to know that you are feeling much better now.)
-- (Dan, you still owe me 3 dollars (plus interest) from that time at McDonalds; nice try with that cut and paste picture of you in the pool.)
-- (Per Randy’s lead, sorry to those that I may have offended or hurt while in school (what a dumb kid I was!) and to the rest of you ‘Settle dawn naw!’)
chris nogales. well, well, well. now who'd a thought you'd turn out to be such a nice guy?
KIDDING! you were always super nice with an unforgettable smile.(i also remember you being kingpin for throwing a killer party), very happy to hear you are doing so well.
Chris - great bio! Glad to hear that you are doing well for yourself.
Welcome aboard Chris!!!!
I am looking forward to seeing you on Saturday.
chris, welcome, your daughter is beautiful! where are the others?
Chris, Great to hear from you. Sounds like you are doing very well. I do remember a Nogales killer party and always loved your house in Catty. Hands full with the little ones it sounds....Very cute daughter.
Chris your daughter is beautiful. It sounds like life is treating you very well. I look forward to seeing you and others on Saturday evening.
Hey Chris,
It good to hear that you're doing well. I'm hoping to catch up with you at the reunion... Frank R.
somebody please bring Chuck a new Caps Lock key for his computer keyboard.
Hey Chris! Welcome to the blog! You have a beautiful family! Is that pyramid at Uxmal? Been there!
Chris, Great to hear from you. Welcome to the blog !!!!
Chris - 20 years later and you have not aged one bit???? Everyone should pull their year book out and look at his senior picture and then look at the blog picture posted. Scary!!!!!! What's your secret?
Chris, Great to hear things are going well for you. You have a beautiful family. Looking forward to seeing you this weekend !
His secret is evident from the pictures....he really moved to Mexico and has become a "Sun god"....without the wrinkles. Nogales - How the helll (And WHERE the Hell) have you been?!!? Is that the Mayan pyramid in the Yucatan!! (or is Vicki right??) See you Saturday.
You guys rock! Thank you for the warm welcome. I love seeing your names, it brings back great memories.
The picture with me and my wife was taken last August in Chi-Chen-Itza, located just South of Cancun.
The secret to my youthful and GREAT looks (that is what Randy really meant to say) is my never ending powers and abilities to procrastinate. I procrastinate so well that “I was gonna” really is my middle name. I am so proficient in procrastination that I have successfully procrastinated getting old. It’s true. Okay, I have some gray—but people still believe it when I tell them I’m 28. So if you all don’t mind… Ixnay on the almost 40scray.
I get some great looks at my office when people finally figure out that Mr. Nogales is me and not my Dad. It’s funny to me and it happens all the time.
(I'm signing Anonymous until I can figure out my username and password)
And here I thought it was 'clean livin'.
Great to hear from you Chris- beautiful family. See you tomorrow!
Chris, it is great to hear from you. Your family is beautiful and I have to agree that you look exactly like you did in high school!!! Do you remember those early morning paper routes? Looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday!
Alrighty......then. I guess that's the secret....thanks John.
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