I had to laugh last night when Mare sent me, Jamie(Schafer)Soranno, the link to this blog. Not only am I already a blogging additct, but it was quite fun to sit and read everyone's posts and comments. I have to admit, I couldn't tear myself away from the computer last night.
As you can see, I'm posting from Roanoke, but that's the newest chapter, so let me start at the beginning.
I taught for 11 years at a Catholic school in Allentown. I started out teaching English and Reading to grades 6-8 and eventually moved down to fourth grade. I lived, breathed, and loved teaching. By the end of my 11th year, I felt worn out. Luckily, it was time for a new phase.
My husband and I married in November, 2002. I moved to Florida since his job was there. He designed control systems for theme park rides and attractions.
Our daughter Ida, the greatest blessing in our lives, was born in December, 2003. Although I loved teaching, being a wife and mommy is what I always wanted in life. So I now feel like my life is complete.
After three years and three hurricanes in Florida, I was very happy when my husband chose to move us back north. First we would have WINTER again! Secondly, we were closer to our families. And thirdly, his work hours became normal!
I haven't been back to PA many times since getting married, but now that we live closer, we're hoping to make the trip north more often. My parents still live on Third Street and it's always nice to go home.
And...oh...Todd Mullen....I do hate to dispute your memory, faltering though it may be...but Mare's initial guess of Dan being the victim of the Deadly Paper attacks was correct. I may have been hit by a few during that year, but I'm thinking Dan was the number one target.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Hello from Roanoke, VA
Posted by
2/27/2006 06:33:00 AM
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Hi Jamie! It's so good to hear from you and see how you're doing. You have a beautiful little girl! She looks like you. I wasn't a blogging addict until the link to this place turned up in my inbox - thanks Matt & Co
;-)! This blog is how I start my day every day! It's amazing to see how many people have turned up and it's really overwhelming to read everyone's stories and to laugh at all the memories we have. Now that you're here please keep in touch and don't do a drive by posting like some of the earlier posters have.
Oh, James, I'm with you on the hurricanes. I was in Florida for Andrew ('92) and then Charlie ('04). One thing I don't miss about living in Florida. The other thing I don't miss are the giant flying cockroaches so big you could jump on and ride 'em to work! Eeeewwww!
hi Jamie, your daughter is adorable. Shelia is in VA too--let me think where? oh forget it my memory isnt working yet, i'll have to run and get my address book...update later, getting the middle one off to school.
shelia is in fairfax, anywhere near you?
Hey Jame - Welcome to our addiction. I thought I was right with Dan, but Mullen did pick on you so I was going with it.
Hello Jamie.
Cute daughter. How is the rest of your family?
glad to have you here Jamie, and glad things are going so well. i think Ida looks just like you in the scheckler pic i'm about to post.
hi jamie, i have to agree with everyone else....ida looks just like you. isn't virginia the best? i lived there for 7 years and just love everything about it. glad to see you are doing well and how's the rest of your family....
kristen...when did sheila move to fairfax? she wasn't too far from me.
Hi Jamie, it is so good to hear from you. I was wondering what happened to you after graduation. Once in a while my parents would bump into your parents and share events that were taking place. I have so many fun memories of playing at your house. Does "Bo and Luke Duke" ring a bell? We used to love to quiz your dad about everyone's address and he always knew where everyone lived.
Your little girl is adorable and, yes she looks just like you. I know what you mean about this blog becoming addicting. I should be working, but I had to find out who posted what since last time I checked and love looking at all the pictures. Too much fun! Keep in touch.
Ida is gorgeous!
Jamie---I'm sure if Dan was nearby, I may have targeted him as well - god forbid we mess with Dan's hair! [Does everybody remember how obsessed he was with his hair?] But I think you have blocked those memories because they are too painful to deal with. Maybe Dan will show up in here and let us know for sure.
Mare: I picked on Jamie. Whoa there cowgirl... It wasn't just me. There were many others - including the polish prankster. I'm just saying - don't make me out to be the only instigator. And you know what else? When she felt like it - Jamie could retaliate with the best of them.
And Jamie---so glad to have you here!
This is fun...like I have nothing else to do but sit and read this blog! Darn addictions!
Carol...how funny! When I first saw your post last night, one of the first things I thought of was Bo and Luke! I can't remember what I did yesterday, but I remember that! And my Dad can still recite any address in Catty. Quite a talent, huh?
Todd...I don't know...you and polish prankster were usually one up on the rest of us! Especially in 8th grade science class!
Vicki...too funny...drive by postings! Trust me, I'm always here. I've been blogging for a while and I find myself wasting too much time on this darn computer!
Kristin...I have to admit, I don't know VA that well yet and I don't know where Fairfax is in relation to us. But Andrea...YES...I love it here...so different than FL!
Ok...off to find my daughter...when it's this quiet, I know she's up to something and I've been online too long...OOPS!
Mullen - sorry, didn't mean to take you down. We all had our fair share of fun and perhaps abuse.
Jame and Carol - Bo and Luke Duke - what's the name of the car for bonus points? Speaking of sitcoms, I just read Don Knotts passed away. I didn't remember until I read his article in the newspaper that he played on Three's Company. All the sitcoms started to come flooding back to me......Happy Days, Laverne & Shirley, Eight is Enough, The Cosby Show......good wholesome TV.
Mare, there's a channel over here called ABC1, and they show all these great shows from the 70s and 80s. Whenever I want to relive my youth, I just tune in! By the way, the name of the car is...I'll let J or C answer.
hey jamie - glad to see you on here. sounds like you're doing great.
and carol - grat to hear from you. it's only been FOREVER since i talked to anyone from catty.
ok, i guess i'll let j or c answer the car question too, but for the record, i know it it too
andrea,,i think shelia's been in VA about 2-3 years now and if she would get her butt in gear and get on this thing she could elaborate!!!
and tmm---the dan and his hair reference...i can totally see him patting in down the way he used to, or still does (?)
The General Lee!
Mare...not surprised you remember all those shows. You were the one who would recite lines from the MASH episode from the night before as we walked to school:o)
i can only remember one time dan not messin with his hair....when I cut it! remember that dan? best damn haircut you ever had!
you cut his hair too?...remember cutting the o'mara girls hair at the ncplayground...her name escapes me, i can remember patty and eileen, what was the oldest ones name, she did the arts and crafts at ncp
Yup long term memory is great. It's the short term that was taken at childbirth.
While I might be okay at that game, Mullen won hands down on MASH.
For all those General Hospital watchers, Robert and Holly are back.
Dan and the hair thing does make me smile!
oh yea, mare, robert and holly--she looks a heck of alot better than she did in the 80's...i may be repeating myself, but MJ and i used to run home from LMS so we didnt miss any...we also used to leave the pool by 2:50 to see it...talk about getting a life, and i still watch it today...talk about getting a life, oh, did i say that already
Sharon....i remember. I also cut the student teacher's hair we had in miss logue's class....i don't remember her name.
i don't watch, but i heard robert was back....is he together with holly? maybe today i'll tune in...
just to brag....weather is 83 and sunny!
yes, sharon...and no they are not together, and as far at the weather goes, bite me...it is FREEZING here, winds have been like 50 mph lately
hey, didn't brad just go out of town....don't you think it's your turn?
Great to hear from you Jamie. While things are going well here, I am still trying to recover from the vicious stabbing incident in Biology class. And now over 20 years later....I think it may be to late to press charges.......
K & A---Thanks for seconding my "Dan's hair" reference. Too funny. And I have to admit - I had crushes on all the O'Maras, young and old. Maybe it was the plaid skirts they wore to Central Catholic - who knows?
Mare---Long-e has become my equal regarding MASH quotes. It is very likely he has even surpassed me. Of course, if you pay close attention, you might notice we now talk in Seifeldisms. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Long-e---I'll check with the Judiciary Committee on the statute of limitations for that incident.
[I thought it was "statue" of limitations?
- No, it's "statute."
I think you're wrong!
Sure, you're right, it's a "sculpture" of limitations!]
You know Longe, when I first thought about posting here, I thought to myself, I can't...Todd's going to bring up his delusions about a stabbing in biology again.
The trauma Jamie! The trauma! It's probably why I am still single! That constant picture in my mind of a girl holding a dissecting probe. Horrifying!
OH TODD...the word is DRAMA...on YOUR end. But you did make me laugh after a very long day with a sick little girl with that last comment. :o)
Jamie, is Ida sick? I hope she feels better soon.
Andrea says "Idadrunk"....I'm not making fun of your daughter's name Jamie....it just looks funny how carol asked if she was sick.
Speaking of names Randy, your name is a word in British English, but not a name. Care to guess what it means?
I'm guessing "Horny"!!!!!!!!! You know I'm right!!!!!
Yeah Baby!!! Shagtastic!
tmm--is that you talking to yourself again (and answering)?
Do I know my "bloody shit" or whut? (use and english accent when reading)
Vic - So if I came over there and said "Hello ladies I'm randy" I would really be saying "hello ladies...you wanna shag"?????
randy.....i'm not an alcoholic....i just like to unwind every now and then....it is hot out here and sunny all the time...too much for me to handle, so i sit in the jacuzzi and have a drink (every now and then)....do you understand me you shagtastic guy?
K--Yes. You caught me. I have serious issues. [hangs head in shame]
R--Was that an English accent or a cockney accent? I couldn't tell...
A--Tell Randy to bugger off! And don't ever feel the need to defend yourself or your adult beverage choices. Just relax and float. Oh, yeah, and drink...
Hi Andrea I'm randy.......get it????
randy....too much!
n mullen....thanks for backing me up....
A--I got your back sister.
Vic - So if I came over there and said "Hello ladies I'm randy" I would really be saying "hello ladies...you wanna shag"?????
Well, technically you'd be saying "hello ladies I'm horny" which would indicate that you were up for a shag. Hey, let's have the reunion over here and let Randy loose in a pub and watch what happens! ;-)
So if he introduces himself to men.....he needs to say....Hello Gentlemen....my name is Mr. Gilespie? (just to be safe?)
Jaime, I do not know if you will see this down here but what the heck. Your daughter is beautiful and looks just like you. I live about one half hour south of you in Christiansburg. If you are ever coming to Christiansburg/Blacksburg/Virginia Tech let me know. How long have you been in Roanoke?
Hey Colin! I noticed you were a Hokie. My gosh, the Tech fans around here are crazy. They decorate their home, their cars, their lawns. It took me a while to figure out what a Hokie was! We've been in Roanoke since September and moved into our home in November. I'm still getting used to the area...but I really like it. Only a half hour away? We'll need to plan our own mini reunion one of these days!
Jamie--Just to clarify, Tech fans EVERYWHERE are crazy. And I still don't know what a Hokie is. Go Lions!
Note to Class--Places we would like to obvserve Randy interact with the locals:
(1) South of the Border - because of his impeccable Spanish; and
(2) The United Kingdom - because of his name.
Hi everyone "I'm Randy"......I'm gonna get some good use out of this one!!!!!!
Jaime, Hokies are great. It makes the fall around here very interesting. I have never been at a school where the alumni are so fanatically loyal to there school. I love the place. I guess I am a college town kind of guy. I do not know much about Roanoke, other than where the mall is, which is terrible because I have almost been here 9 years.
Is there actually a prison on the VTech campus?
Longe, Alas, the prison on campus comment. I guess that would be similar to the Vet/Linc. Maybe we need one but I still love it here.
You all going to put it together next season? Any good QBs to replace Vick?
Forget the prisoner, from what I heard about his combine testing, you could give him the key and he wouldn't be able to figure out how to get out of his own cell....I think he's been hitting the funny stuff a little too much!!
P.S.- Good to see someone else out of State..I had my turn, seems like I keep making my way northward!
Longe, We have 4 qbs none of them is perfect. I am sure that one will do. This is the type of year we do well. Low expectations similar to 2004. Weak, weak, weak schedule.
Jeff, Saw your post above. You seem to be doing well. I admire your decision not to move, I am sure that was a tough one. Good luck in the coming weeks and months figuring out what direction to go in. Did Marcus do poorly on the wonderlik? Vince young scored a 6 or a 16 dpending on what you believe. I read some articles about Marcus' interviews and they were all positive. It will be interesting to see what happens to him. I hope that he can pull himself together. Your man Urban Meyer can recruit. Do you get to the swamp now that you are back up north?
Colin -good callout on the Wonderlik -that was Young. I was just bustin' your chops anyway. I've been back a few times -last time was in 97 to see Manning's last game (Tennessee). I felt so bad for him never beating the Gators -I had to name my son after him. Are you still involved with Football? What are you doing at VA TECH?
Hey Jamie, so nice to hear that you and your family are doing well. Your daughter is beautiful and I would say she looks like you. Do you do any substitute teaching? Can't wait to see everyone at the reunion!
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