Thursday, March 22, 2007

Missing the Sweet Life Already!

For those of you with school-agers, I'm not talking about Zac & Cody;)

Since this blog has been used to pass on info I'm in need of some tips. I just found out I have gestational diabetes and I'm in trouble b/c there's a strict limit on carbs which is my fave. Basically everything I eat on any given day is off limits and I must eat only foods w/less than 15g of carbohydrates. Help!! Anyone out there with food recommendations please share them!
Thanks, Terri


mj jones said...

wow Terrie sorry for the news....low carb IS hard for dinner have a meat and a vegie or 2 w/ a salad. No potato or rice. Thats the easy part breakfast is harder but try regular oatmeal flavored w/ cinimon ham and eggs should be fine too. Lunch have tuna or chicken salads. Snack on nuts or seeds and low fat yogurt is good. Once you get used to it you'll do fine but it is a big change...good luck

mj jones said...

I should add nuts to have carbs but they are the good kind. Eat alot of protein it keeps you full longer.

Steve Freeman said...

Terri, at work we are doing the biggest loser, and I have eliminated most of my carbs (I've lost 25 lbs since Jan. 1, and I don't really miss them too much - you adjust).

Here is a great site I use when I need ideas for recipes.

TerriE said...

MJ-thanks for the ideas! You are right about the proteins and the breakfast-it is tough. The thing is I must eat w/i 8-10 hours from the night before or it can affect the baby so I can't take too long to figure out what I can have. (btw-I'm actually having peanuts right now!)

Steve-25lbs. since Jan.? Awesome! How long did it take you to adjust? I've been told I'll lose lbs. even though I'm pregnant. I haven't even gained 12lbs. so far so this sounds weird to me. I'm going to check out the website right now. Thanks for the tip.
So, are you the 'biggest loser' at work?

Steve Freeman said...

So far, I am the biggest loser for the guys. The competition is tough though. We are weighing in at the end of the year picnic (so all the people in the comp. can EAT) and we are going by percent lost. I hope I can keep it up (my cardio has increased alot and with spring here, I'll get out more with my family - If I have to force them outside).
We will have a male and female winner, $110 per winner.

TerriE said...

Well, you're about half-way there already. Keep it up and I'm sure you'll be $110 richer...and on a teacher's salary that's a definite incentive;)

randyg said...

Steve - congrats on the accomplishment so far! Tell us some of the things that you get to eat. I am a carboholic and would love to find a way to cut some of them out.

Terri - If you have any Orea cookies that you are looking to part with you could probably put them up for auction here on the blog. Somehow I think Kristen would outbid us all. I would at least giver her a run for her money.

TerriE said...

Randy-I am amazed at the sacrifice you are willing to make! Shuli and Paul will take care of the cookies although I could use the extra money....

randyg said...

Terri - It's all about the cause! LOL

kristen said...

sorry i cant help...god never (so far) gave me any health issues to deal with that would mean adjusting my eating habits. i wouldnt be able to do it...i gained between 45 and 55 lbs with all my pregnancies

as for the oreo auction, they have to be double stuffed!

Vicky said...

Terri, I had a similar problem with my pregnancy last year, and the problem is not carbs themselves but refined carbs, like bread, pasta, white rice. Unrefined carbs don't turn into sugar as quickly and you should be able to have these in moderation. So, oatmeal in the morning should be okay, and a couple of spoonfuls of brown or wild rice with your evening meal should be fine. Have you beed restricted with fruit too, or can you have fruit? I was told lots of fruit and veggies, protein in the form of lean meat, fish (lots of fish!), beans or lentils, and yogurt. No liver, because it's too high in Vitamin A and I was allowed to eat nuts, but NOT peanuts. Peanuts can contribute to nut allergies. Check with your ob/gyn about this. Good luck!

TerriE said...

Kristen-sorry, nothing double stuffed;)

Vicki-Unfortunately my eating habits are horrible b/c I apparently love the refined carbs. I can have a small portion of fruit twice a day-thank God! That satisfies my sweet tooth. They didn't restrict peanuts. I have lots of questions to ask when I go in to the doctor's again (which alternates weekly between the ob and maternal fetal medicine). Thanks for the tips and well wishes. BTW-how's your mom?

Michelle-I love italian, too! I'm going to move the tempting items out of the pantry into another spot. I might take you up on the diabetic cookbook...that would probably help me w/ meals. We have 5 get-togethers w/i the next 2 months that I need to feed lots of people and if I just had a great cake recipe I'd feel better. Thanks for the offer. (Please email me at

mj jones said...

Terrie I forget when are you do?? At least it's only temporary right??

Steve Freeman said...

Terri, I did not realize how bad my diet was until I really took a look at what AND how much I was eating. I thought working out was enough, but a definite change was needed.
I eat more fruits and veggies now than ever. I also like to supplement my chicken and baked fish with some beef every once and again.
I can't wait for the warmer weather, because I will be grilling more and that will make it easier to stick to lower fat, less carbs. I only eat multi-grain or whole wheat, and LOTS of oatmeal. Also, granola, but I like OATMEAL (with skim milk and a touch of maple syrup (real - not corn syrup)).
Lunches usually consist of South Beach meals or a salad with chicken in it. Sometimes I will splurge and have a half sandwich with ham, cheese, lettuce and tomatoes.
For dinner, I will bake something and serve it with the new Birdseye Steamfresh vegetables (easy and tasty). I have also learned alot about spices and seasoning, it really wakes up the food and allowed me to realize that fat is not the only thing that gives food flavor.

Sonya C said...

So Steve, does you sandwich have to go ham, cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes in that exact order???

Steve Freeman said...

Yes, the order is of utmost importance.

TerriE said...

MJ- I'm due June 8th but since I have placenta previa, I will have a c-section. (Did you go natural or have c-sections?) They're watching the baby's growth very closely b/c of diabetes so I may go earlier. They do an amnio at 36 wks to check the lung development and will make a decision. As far as diabetes, hopefully it'll only be gestational. Many family members have diabetes so I have a high possibility of developing type 2 if I don't follow some guidelines. It's a real wake-up call to take care of myself better! How many moms really do that?

Steve-Pass on some of your faves for spices/seasonings and what you add them to!!

Steve Freeman said...

Terri, since I am a Sam's Club person, I use all the Durkee and Tones.
I use Chipotle with peppers, onions and chicken
I use Citrus Grill with fish and shrimp (on top of rice or veggies)
I use taco seasoning with hamburger (95% lean) and make a great taco salad on greens with Mango Salsa
I use Smokey Mesquite with pork tenderloin (just made it tonight on the grill - awesome with some steamed veggies). It is also good on chicken when grilled.

I love the fact that the snow has melted. I threw the top of the stainless steel grill and gave it a big hug. Grilling season is the best (I don't use it in the Winter - I cover it and wait for days like today).

mj jones said...

Terrie--I had 2 c-sections, the first one because my son wouldn't progress. He was born after my water broke at 36 weeks. Good thing because I had placenta acreata which was only discovered after the delivery. I also was on bed rest for Pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure)so I was actually glad he came early. Then my daughter was breach so no chance for a v-back. She was born at 38 weeks and all went well even though my water broke 3 days before the scheduled date. My 1st section was really hard because I went through the whole labor experiance. The 2nd was much easier w/ out the labor. Luckily both times my water broke I was at home. The Doctor told us not to have anymore kids because the 1st one left me w/ alot of scare tissue and in an emergency he couldn't guarentee a safe delivery. That was fine w/ us though we knew we only wanted 2 kids and the hubby made sure things would stay that way soon after Lindsey was born. So that's my story and I'm sticking to it... anyway Best of luck to you!!!

Vicky said...

Terri, I delivered both my kids - I had an epidural with Georgia and I had Chris totally naturally (as in no drugs). There was no concern about diabetes with Georgia but with my second pregnancy I was 10 years older, diabetes is a huge problem in my family (in fact, everyone in my family - mom, brothers, aunts, uncles, EVERYONE - has it except me) and the doctor was worried it was only a matter of time. It was only gestational, thankfully, and in fact wasn't even a problem later in my pregnancy, which was why I was able to deliver Chris naturally and be home from the hospital the same day. Take care of yourself!

kristen said...

vicki, trooper! I was not home the same day, however i too had no epidural with all 3...i do not like the idea of having that needle stuck in my back, so i decided to suck it up! induced with both boys (they were late) so my labors were only 8 & 5 hours long.

mj jones said...

K-I ordered the epidural as soon as the pregnancy test came back positive.

kristen said...

boy, growing up, i always thought you were so tough!

mj jones said...

thats funny.....times change these days I try and avoid pain at all cost.

TerriE said...

Dang, Girls!! You're all tough in my book! I went natural w/ Shuli but was in labor for over 15 hrs. Like MJ the epidural had my name on it and I got it asap. Vicki-I can't imagine going home the same day. Were you across the pond when you gave birth?
Steve-I giggled at the mental picture of you hugging the grill. Men and their toys! I'll try some of your tips.

randyg said...

Steve got an epidural as well!

Vicky said...

Kristen, it was because of the epidural the first time around that I was determined I wasn't going to have one this time. I didn't like the way I felt afterward and I wanted to come home from the hospital as soon as possible. So I said to John "I'll start with nothing and work my way up the pain relief ladder, so when I ask for something GIVE IT TO ME!!!!" Turns out I didn't need anything since labor was less than 4 hours. I had him at 6 a.m. and was ready to go home at lunchtime, but since it was a Sunday, there was only one pediatrician on duty, so I had to wait for him to finish his rounds and clear the baby to go home. We were home in time for supper. Terri, I had both my kids in the U.K.

Randy, my husband had surgery on his tackle about 11 years ago and he did have an epidural. He loved showing off his stitches afterward!

Steve Freeman said...

Wow, I mention my grill and the conversation turns all the way to a man's package.
Is a man's grill an extension of his ego? I wonder some times. Men love to compare their grills (ladies, eyes are up here).

For some crude humor go to:

mj jones said...

oh my Steve that was crude but it was also the heck do you find this stuff??

randyg said...

The only reason why Steve got an epidural was for all the pain he is going though not bein able to eat carbs. I feel your pain Steve.

Vicki - I love the term "tackle". I'll get some good use out of that for a long time.

TerriE said...

Tackle?! Now, either my mind is in the gutter or Randy's is...we know that Steve's is. Is it really an area that stitches can be showed off or am I just a naive Catty girl?

Vicky said...

Terri, it was like a badge of honor, honestly. He would show the stitches to anyone who would stand still long enough (most people didn't hang around once they saw him drop his drawers!)

Randy, I'm sure "tackle" will give you hours of enjoyment! ;-)

Steve Freeman said...

If your mind isn't in the gutter, you're not acting like a man. That's my motto. Women don't like to admit it, but they like being in the gutter at times. Like me, I'm not sure when I'm NOT in the gutter.

randyg said...

Everytime I try to get out of the gutter I trip over the damn thing????

How did we go from no carbs and food to "tackle and being in the gutter"?

kristen said...

oh terrie, after the initial shock of it all, Brad couldnt wait to show it off to his brother-in-laws, who by the way are still procrastining and i'm waiting for one of them to slip up as we did...

RANDY! tripping over IT is not something that i am enjoying envisioning

uh-oh, would that be a girl in the gutter?!

randyg said...

Kristen - what do you mean by your last comment?

TerriE said...

Kristen, I think Randy meant he trips over the gutter so that would definitely be a 'girl in the gutter' thing ;) Now, was it hard to talk Brad into closing the factory? We need to make that same decision and I don't know what to do.

randyg said...

For those of us who don't have "the factory shut down" are twitching right now. Why should we have to take the "bait out of the tackle box"?

kristen said...

randy, you werent serious were you (that you didnt get my last comment)..i'm glad to see terrie did, and terrie, i knew that is what he meant, i think he just phrased it wrong

also terrie, DO HAVE HIM TAKE CARE OF IT!!! the procrastination and a little too much beer (brad) is what gave us our little hellion! I dont think I need to explain to randy the months of torture our bodies go through brewing those little buggers in our bellies, and then the hours of labor it takes to squeeze out a 14 1/2 inch head (lucas) with no pain medication..i think you men can handle a little bit of unpleasantness, its nothing that a bag of frozen peas cant help

Vicky said...

My husband had his factory shutdown for me as a Christmas present!

Vicky said...

Oh, and Randy, he said the worst part was shaving prior to the surgery. In the end he had to use Nair, because he couldn't face heading in that direction with a razor.

kristen said...

just dont go to rusty's doctor, from story he told, his doc still used the old snip & tie method

mj jones said...

MEN or should I say boys everytime you mention something about their tackle they get so protective. My hubby didn't have a choice my doctor didn't want to tie my tubes so he went under the knife, we didn't want to end up like Kristen w/ a huge suprise one day!!!

kristen said...

oh, it wasnt a huge surprise...i knew the night it happened..i can still recall my exact words, "if i'm pregnant, you're dead!"...he's only alive today because, well, somebody has to work!

TerriE said...

Not many men weighing in on this...probably wise to stay neutral.
Kristen-the bag of peas gave me a good laugh!! Paul is always saying we need to have more veggies! I don't think that is what he's referring to but I think it'll be a good topic starter!