Saturday, March 04, 2006

Strange Obsessions...

Sorry for the false alarm yesterday. Still here!

I realized overnight that I have two obsessions:

(1) preparing my house for this baby, and
(2) this blog.

How do I know this?

I had a dream last night that John Roberts and I were dusting my living room.

He was wearing his black and white chucks.


pauko27 said...

VC, glad you gave us an update. Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

Vicki-Thats what they call nesting. It's fine.

andrea said...

vicki.....glad you are back online and everything is ok....we were quite concerned as to whether you were in delivery or just wishing you were!

Anonymous said...

Hello Andrea, I forgot you are on the West Coast too.

Anonymous said...

Good luck Vicki! We'll be thinking of you. Are you going to name the new baby "Blog"?

Vicky said...

Randy Blogger!

randyg said...

Vicki - how are you feeling today? We were concerned about you. What do you think of my name idea......

andrea said...

vicki....glad all is more obsessing! JUST DO IT!

randy....enough of that name's getting old!

kristen said...

vicki, i think you have the obsessions in reverse order

john, congrats, when is the baby due?

i dont feel so bad now, i didnt want to have a baby at 36, but, that was my last

kristen said...

hey andrea, you're up early!

randyg said...

Kristen - talk about getting "old" you have another birthday coming up.

andrea said...

yes, i never get to sleep in....i think 7:15 is my sleep in time...

plus i have to shower and get a move on....this blog keeps me glued to the computer and i need to break away for a few hours....

i'll hopefully catch ya back here tonight.....

maybe i won't be the only one on.....

kristen said...

andrea, i think we covered the birthday thing on another but, but as always, thanks for the reminder

Mare said...

John - CONGRATULATIONS! No wonder you said it was a particularly great year. Sleep now is all I have to say.

Vicky said...

Congratulations John! Listen to Mare. Sleep now. You won't get to sleep for years.

We didn't reframe the attic. Instead we moved a wall about 4 feet, put in a window, rewired our bedroom and the baby's room, replastered, repainted and put in new carpeting all over the place.

Kristen, I didn't want to be 37 and having a baby, but John was against the idea for a couple of years even though Georgia kept saying, "Dad, a little brother or sister would be nice." We finally brought him around to the idea, but I'm having him fixed after this!

andrea said...

john....congrats on your baby...when are you due? and i'll definitely follow suit.....SLEEP! i'm not sure i've slept since....and we're going on 16 years.....

andrea said...'ve been quite the busy pregnant gal! glad you are ok today and i am anxiously awaiting true labor pains.....

kristen said...

vicki, i love the way you put it "i'm having him fixed" that was the idea here also, but see what procrastination got us, or should i say him, daddys little girl,...however, no more worries on this end, either, stace