Friday, March 10, 2006


Steve, Frank, ?, Uma Thurman, Joe S, LongE
Scott Schrantz, ?, ?, Lisa Harrigle? Immigrant Robb
Mark Regits, Kim Foster?, Lori Stein, ?, ?, Robby something

so was the blog running like crap for anybody else most of friday?


andrea said...

one can only imagine what elementary school memories todd will remember from his picture....

LongE said...

I don't remember my head being that big...

andrea said... was!

Steve Freeman said...

I have absolutely NO recollection of this picture. I like the part on the side. It was 1974, of course.

mathbach said...

Lew - about the KU picture, no worries, it is PG-rated and wife-friendly plus unless things pickup here this eve, i'll hold off.

Mcgon said...

I don't think that is Foster next to Regits I think it is Karen L? Who is the teach? I guess that is who did him in! He is already practicing for Cuffs! His hands are behind his back!

Vicky said...

I'm sure that's Michelle Kruczek next to Scott Schrantz.

Vicky said...

I'm still here Deanna. Lurking mostly and sleeping alot.

tmmullen said...

V--Sleep? What is this sleep thing you talk of? And the image of a pregnant lady lurking cracks me up...

Vicky said...

I have to have a nap everyday. The other day I didn't get a nap and when I went to pick up Georgia from school, I could feel myself falling asleep behind the wheel!! Today I slept for 3 hours on the sofa. It was good!

mathbach said...

Vicki - when is/was your due date?

LongE said...

Matt...the way you stuck my head in there....I look like i'm from South Park....

Vicky said...

Matt, 21st of March. One week(ish) to go - but who the hell's counting? Not me! ;-)

Is that or is that not Michelle Kruczek next to Scott Schrantz? Would someone please put the fat lady out of her misery!?!

andrea said...

yes look like your are from southpark.....good job matt....

tmmullen said...

V--I don't think so. I'm pretty sure MK was in my first grade glass with Mrs. Imhof - click on the "1st Grade Room 112" over on the right under "Really Old Pictures." I think she's in the back row.

Vicky said...

TMM - I don't know. I don't remember Michelle being that tall. I don't think that's her in your 1st grade pic. Whose 1st grade group is this one?

mathbach said...

i think Randy gave me this pic but he isn't in the picture.


randyg said...

yes Matt...I gave you the picture and I am not in the picture. Out that day.