Friday, March 03, 2006

Can You Identify This Pair of '86 Class Legs?


mathbach said...


judy said...

hey matt, weren't you the king of legs?

i think it's sonya c.

randyg said...

Judy - Rusty was King Legs and those are not his in that picture...unless there is another side to Rusty that we didn't know about.

mathbach said...

no, i was cutest baby pic.

judy said...

well we all know who was 1st runner up homecoming ueen. how in the hell did that happen? was it a joke on me and i was the only on not in on it?

judy said...

julie heckman.

judy said...

julie heckman.

randyg said...

Judy - we were all afraid if we didn't vote for would kick the crap out of us.....knowing that you could take 80% of the guys in our class.

judy said...

was i really that fierce?

i certainly never wanted to be a homecoming queen. i remember i was pissed that i had to show up for the pep rally (laubach warned me) and go to that t-day game in the rain.

i never even went to a prom. someone said that i would regret it. gotta say, i never thought about it. i'll regret not coming to the reunion, if you ever solidify a date.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Judy...i think it's Sonya's legs. Sonya - what do you think?
Hey- and let's keep the body part pictures clean okay?

LongE said...


mathbach said...

Julie H would have been my first guess, but then when you said Sonya i figured you nailed it.

LongE said...

Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Sonya is incorrect.

mathbach said...

well... ???

Cat went out with one of her friends tonight so i picked up the girls from school, drive thru dinner, home -

i just filled up the last inch of a large coke with bacardi. LongE - remind you of the night we first introduced you to alcohol abuse?

andrea said...

i'm thinking....why would you even take a picture of just legs....

and i am just heading to get sushi....hmmm....saki bomber anyone?

LongE said...

I am just polishing off a bottle of wine. Sorry as it sounds, I am getting up at 2am tomorrow, so I can get done with work in time to make my brother's 8:30 bus to Atlantic city.
As for the Bacardi and are referring to Barardi 151. I recall boozing in the car....playing basketball....puking....laying in the Jackson's bathtub (lucky they weren't home)....and if memory is correct, it was a school night.

mathbach said...

bingo. i think we had to clean your side of the car off.

LongE said...

I believe you are correct. I remember running.....kicking someone's drink....then getting pummled.....

mathbach said...


LongE said...

I remember you having the bottle of booze in your car on the way home from school. I opened it, and took a sip of the 151....thought I was going to die....

mathbach said...

and thus began a way of life.

LongE said...

you aint shittin'.

andrea said...

back to the legs boys...

mathbach said...

okay enough about your problems, give us a hint on the legs.

andrea said...

my guess....jen kratzer, julie heckman....sheila long.

andrea said... weren't afraid of laubach were you?

LongE said...

Matt? One more guess?

mathbach said...

i think Redsy would enjoy this blog.

mathbach said...

alright one more - i'm going to the yearbook...

jen said...

andrea, i don't think these are my legs. at least i don't remember a pic of my legs. i'd guess either Sonya or Julie Heckman.

Mare said...

I'm in. I think it's Julie if it's not Sonya.

Hi Jen!

mathbach said...

Julie Heckman. thats all i got.

andrea said...

hi jen....i thought maybe you....he already said no to maybe julie or sheila...?

gotta run and get dinner.....i'll check back in a bit! happy blogging!

mathbach said...

hey Jen - nice to hear you chime in.

andrea said... email is me a line about your job.....i'm interested in hearing where you went to school and what you learned and such....i'll write when i get home.

Steve Freeman said...

I know those legs anywhere. Those are LongE's legs. He shaved in HS

LongE said...

No correct answers as of yet. I'll check back at 2am and see if we have a winner....

mathbach said...

played sports?

LongE said...

yes she did.

Mare said...

Is she wearing a uniform. Track?

LongE said...

She is not wearing a uniform in the picture.

mathbach said...

the legs (and shorts) are too white for Judy.

mathbach said...

Michelle Churetta maybe?

LongE said...

Michelle incorrect.

Steve Freeman said...


LongE said...

Kim is incorrect. Ok I am out....

LongE said...

There is a free cocktail riding on the winning answer........

jen said...

Mare, Andrea, Stace, and everyone else. Hello. good to hear from you all!!

LongE said...

Hi Jen. Long time no see....

Anonymous said...

Wow! One set a legs and the Blog erupts. I know one thing...there not Freeman's.

jen said...

Hi Todd. sorry about that. mostly i just like to read what everyone else has to say. you guys are a trip!

Anonymous said...

Com'on Jen jump in and start the abuse !

jen said...

hey robb! how does it feel to be a man in a woman controlled house?

Anonymous said...

Todd- See you on the bus tomorrow. I have to log out. I have to go abuse my body playing Ice Hockey.

Anonymous said...

I always wanted to live with three women. Well, I was granted my wish but not on my terms.

jen said...

Stace O!! I am very well, thanks. and you sound very busy!! lots of kids running around, getting in your hair, right? god, it's been so long since i've seen or talked to you. i hope you are happy and healthy and definitely well rested. we'll have to get together and rehash the good times!!

andrea said...

hi stace and jen...are you guys still around?

kristen said...

well, no one said mary yet, so thats my 1st guess.

2nd guess Andrea!

mathbach said...

okay this has forced me into studying the yearbook more than i would care to admit. Judy - do you remember what t-shirt you wore to the pep rally when you were runner up?

kristen said...

on 3rd thought, i think it IS Judy

kristen said...

matt, i see it, and by the way Judy, you DONT look to happy!

and you were right the 1st time, Rusty was King Legs, 2nd was Randy, Chuck was 3rd

andrea said...

yeah look like "wut the F@#*.....

andrea said...

i thought about laurie also....and yep, i have my yearbook out here funny looking back!

kristen said...

hey andrea, get on those pics i want to see the kids, but most of all, i want to see the 5 dogs. are you f-ing nuts (well i already know the answer to that question, but are you f-ing nuts)!

kristen said...

i dont think its laurie, she didnt play sports, all i know is i wont be up at 2am for longe to tell us who it is. i better be right, i need the free cocktail

kristen said...

you other guys drink too GD much anyway

andrea said...

that is right....she didn't play sports...hmmm....could be judy or mare....

andrea said...

well...i give up and i won't be up either at 2:00 waiting for an answer... still drinking?

kristen said...

There were not many girls in our class that played sports, --Judy, Mare, Kim and Julie H. field hockey/ andrea,sonya and kim Track/ Mare, judy and michelle churetta, softball

kristen said...

that 7 girls in sports, wow, never realized that before...kinda sucked huh--oh forgot judy, kim, mare, basketball, still only makes 7----

andrea said...

yeah....julie heckman was one of my original answers....and he said no to sonya...not tall enough for kim....don't ya think? could be michelle churetta...

do michelle and stace still keep in touch?

andrea said...

yeah, but we did have alot of girls in the band...

kristen said...

yes, alot in band...if i remember correctly stace said she hasnt talked to michelle in a while, could be wrong, you'll have to ask her

kristen said...

michelle was already guessed and "no"

longe, i'm sticking with my original posts at 9:20 and 9:39 pm---can you tell?, i really need the cocktail

andrea said... need a cocktail? has it been a long week? what are you guys doing over the weekend?

andrea said... owe us all a drink considering we were basically all correct.....i think we named all females that played sports and then some.....

andrea said...

i tell kassidy the same thing when she is mouthing like kirsten. I'm like "you think you are kirsten now..." that pisses her off more than anything....but it works for the moment!

kristen said...

andrea, i am almost positive matt is f-ing with you...the pic of lew is in the yearbook...he is sitting on a stool in the art room....he pasted the pictures together, however way he does it, the computer guru strikes again!

kristen said...

i didnt think Jake would get the joke, (about lucas thinking he was Jake)but he did--he says "heyyyyy"

andrea said...

yeah....i see it now... did a great job...

andrea said...

maybe jake will not be so mouthy if he hears you making light of it with lucas.....

i'm just amazed at the tone they parents would have never allowed me to get away with ...the tone!

kristen said...

exactly....jake gave me the tone before 7am this morning, good way to start the day...

kristen said...

ok, i'm signing off...6am comes way tooooooo early, especially on a saturday

andrea said...

good night...i'll see ya 2morrow.

tmmullen said...

Daric Monahan. Yearbook said she was in track for 3 years. So that's my final answer.

LongE said...

Matt came close.....but Kristen wins the prize. Yes....the legs are Judy's. you remember the day you and I drove around town with a camera....taking pictures of all kind of shit? I don't remember why exactly, but we did. I think I took the picture of your legs while we were standing at the fence watching the baseball game at Opportunity field. You added to the collection by taking a picture of Mr. William's ass. Thanks for that.

mathbach said...

more free drinks for Kristen? i think Brad will be taking her home early.

Sonya C said...

I am so sorry I missed this conversation yesterday!!!

andrea said... are right! we wouldn't dare to go there! and no, we weren't like that. i do believe girls are worse than boys....too many hormones.

that is too much with michelle...where did she end up living and such? i thought the two of you would never part....what about patty slotcavage?

andrea said...

kristen....congrats....i better say my hello's and goodbye's at the same time when i see you at the said above brad will be taking you home early.... can start to have a margarita with me each night and then you'll be prepared to drink all those FREE drinks and still be standing! haha

kristen said...

andrea, that sounds good, i'll need to work my way up to reunion night, i dont get out nearly enough


kristen said...

deanna, are you sure about patty, she lives(d?) right around the corner from me, and her house has never been up for sale, doesnt mean she didnt move, but now i'm curious...i did call her ph#, got from her brother, left msg on machine, havent heard back from her