Saturday, March 18, 2006

"Class of 86, here I come."

Who from our class would be most similar to this guy from the Enterprise commercial?


Steve Freeman said...

Wayne Brown

randyg said...

I'm gonna say Joe Jackson because he is too good to blog with us so he must be doing this well????

Steve Freeman said...

Remember this.
The guy in the pictures is RENTING his car and works for a CREDIT CARD company and gets chased around, has his "bug" explode on him, pulled around by a voodoo doll and causes all sorts of problems because he always has to say "NO".
What's in YOUR WALLET? Hopefully not that old condom from 1985. If so, don't try using it.

pauko27 said...

Steve, good point, but he does have 2 good looking women hanging on him.

Lew, considered that, but I never had much desire to go out of my way to impress anyone. Didn't really have anyone in mind, just throwing it out there.

Steve Freeman said...

Dave, he rented the car and the girls think he has money. Nuff, said.
When they find out he rented the Cadillac and has no money, they will dump him like a bad prom date.

Jeff P said...

Yippety Yom!!! -He'll probably hire the women too...Maybe that comment will get him to come out!

pauko27 said...

Jeff, good call, but you won't see Yom on this blog for, well, ever. Your best bet is to keep hitting Joe until we hear from him.

pauko27 said...

Steve-o, just saw that commercial during the b-ball tourney. I'll never look at it the same way again.