Internet Cleaning
*** Attention ***
It's that time again! As many of you know, each year the Internet must be shut down for 24 hours in order to allow us to clean it. The cleaning process, which eliminates dead email and inactive ftp, www and gopher sites, allows for a better-working and faster Internet.
This year, the cleaning process will take place from 23:59 pm (GMT) on March 31st until 00:01 am (GMT) on April 2nd. During that 24-hour period, five powerful Internet-crawling robots situated around the world will search the Internet and delete any data that they find.
In order to protect your valuable data from deletion we ask that you do the following:
* 1. Disconnect all terminals and local area networks from their Internet connections.
* 2. Shut down all Internet servers, or disconnect them from the Internet.
* 3. Disconnect all disks and hardrives from any connections to the Internet.
* 4. Refrain from connecting any computer to the Internet in any way.
We understand the inconvenience that this may cause some Internet users, and we apologize. However, we are certain that any inconveniences will be more than made up for by the increased speed and efficiency of the Internet, once it has been cleared of electronic flotsam and jetsam.
We thank you for your cooperation.
From: Department of Homeland Security
Date: March 29, 2006 8:48:17 AM MST
Friday, March 31, 2006
Important! Please read.
Posted by
3/31/2006 11:52:00 PM
Thursday, March 30, 2006
thank you
i have been so slammed at work that i've been neglecting my true passion: the BLOG!
thanks todd, and everyone for the birthday thoughts. it's a huge day for me - my 2 year anniversary since my cancer diagnosis. all i can say is that i'm happy to be here enjoying life.
big news: i've officially retired my walkman. yes, it's true. my boyfriend got me an ipod!!!!!!! now i just have to figure out how to work the freakin' thing. best thing about it: it's black.
Posted by
3/30/2006 01:08:00 PM
Michelle Churetta
since Michelle is tired of wrestling blogger for a login, i'll post what she gave us for a bio:
I am living in Wilson Borough and work for a bank in Bethlehem. Yes my last name is still Churetta, which sometimes I do think is fortunate, considering how many marriages do not work out. I do have a 14 year old son, Devon, who has passed my 5'3" height. Already. It has been challenging being a single parent, but we are striving. Doing all I can do to stay sane. I don't really talk to anyone I graduated with except my cousin Rusty M. and my cousin's husband Tim C. I did see a few people at the Catty Club the evening before Thanksgiving, but it was mostly under and upper classmen. Hope to see everyone later this year for a reunion!she has been reading the blog, so if you comment she'll see it.
Posted by
3/30/2006 08:19:00 AM
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Older & Wiser
We do not grow old by simply living a certain number of years. We grow old when we lose our enthusiam and our passion - for life, for love, for family. That is what wrinkles the soul.
So wherever you are tonight - raise a glass and toast Judy. The most wrinkle-free spirit I ever met.
Happy Birthday Judy!
Posted by
3/29/2006 04:43:00 PM
Tech Problems
You are right about it working sometimes and not working other times.
When I did your celebrity thing. I must have done something wrong???? This is what I ended up with??
Posted by
3/29/2006 02:24:00 AM
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Read about this website that uses face recognition to find your celebrity matches. I ran a few comparisons here. These are Randy's matches (I know he'll like the attention!) All you have to do is upload a photo, although there can be some technical difficulties. Some pics I tried didn't work. Check out the others!
Posted by
3/28/2006 10:22:00 PM
Recently accepted blog invitations...
Hope to see a bio up soon.
Bill Meyer, Mike Shuey, Colleen McEntee(Abronski), Donna Skarbo(Sensor), Bonnie Schlegel(Quinn?). Michelle Churetta has checked in, but is fighting the blog like we all did in the beginning.
Posted by
3/28/2006 10:05:00 PM
Monday, March 27, 2006
Hangover Blamed on Blog
were it not for this blog it is unlikely that i would have found myself at a hockey game in Reading with Lew, Steve and Mullen this past saturday. and therefore i would have avoided the debilitating hangover that i had to endure on sunday. yes, i could have drank more responsibly and thereby not owe Mullen the bill for having the interior of his car cleaned, but what fun would that have been? btw Mullen - did i leave my hat in your car? thanks for a fun night - i had a blast, i remember a lot of gut wrenching laughter right up until i stop remembering. it was very cool that Steve could make it but here is Lew's message to LongE for blowing us off at the last minute.
and once again we learned that crack kills.
Posted by
3/27/2006 08:34:00 PM
Sunday, March 26, 2006
How many can you name
I found an old 85 lb football pic and was wondering who could name the most players and coaches. I can name nearly everyone, only a few I can only get the first name.
Posted by
Steve Freeman
3/26/2006 10:05:00 AM
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Pauko's Volunteers - upd: 3/23 Contacted: 67%
Our contacting people has slowed down a bit, but we still have good numbers. The spreadsheet has been updated on the website. If you have said you could reach someone, please try to follow thru and give me an update.
Dave (or Pauko, I guess I've been called that enough on the blog now...even though it didn't exist in HS)
Posted by
3/23/2006 11:19:00 PM
Protect us from ourselves!
this is what it is coming to? (click here)
by the way, i realize this is a first here at 86class, posting something non-Catty related. almost current eventesque. we'll call it Social Studies and see how it flys.
Posted by
3/23/2006 11:24:00 AM
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
A few archived photos
The old foot locker has been pulled out and the scanner is now working...
? - It's all I could find. Wanted to be a good sport about it.
Posted by
3/22/2006 10:07:00 PM
Monday, March 20, 2006
sad news about Izzat Azar
i had sent Bob Azar a message a while back about contacting Lena and asking what became of Izzat.
from Bob Azar
Hey Matt. I do rememeber you. Sad news for Izzat though. He and his family were killled in a head on collision last month in Brazil. I know his brother and sister well but didn't get to know Izzat much. I'm sure he was a really great guy.btw, i sent Lena's email address to Dave, but i think she has already been contacted by somebody.
On a brighter note, Lena - my sister -is a realtor living in Allentown.
Posted by
3/20/2006 10:22:00 PM
Reunion Statis
So its been a couple of weeks has there been any news on the reunion location and has the date been secured ?
Posted by
mj jones
3/20/2006 07:49:00 AM
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Back in '96, they raised money for the Catty pool by selling T-shirts as scanned in these images (my mom bought one for me). Can you name who painted the original Rough Rider in the deep end of the pool in our senior year?
Posted by
3/18/2006 10:39:00 PM
Friday, March 17, 2006
A Blanguage All Its Own
For most of us, this site is our first experience with blogging. And, Judy’s tongue-in-cheek post notwithstanding, the Bloggerverse (blog universe) does have a unique lexicon that can intimidate new visitors and even baffle long-time users if used inappropriately.
With that in mind, my parole officer said that posting a list of blerms (blog terms) along with their meanings would count toward my court-ordered community service for, well, let’s not get into that right now. The point is that for us to understand each other we must speak a common blanguage (blog language) or all posts and comments will devolve into unreadable blabble (blog babble).
I’ll start with a personal example. I have recently been accused of blirting (flirting on the blog) which, while I refuse to confirm or deny, is completely acceptable. However, blalking (blog stalking) is frowned upon. This is when someone lies in wait without participating (blurking) until the object of their affection adds a post or comment and then he/she immediately adds one after them in order to draw attention (blook at me!). Not surprisingly, if the blehavior (self-explanatory) continues or escalates, the next step would be a restraining blorder [Blibid (blog ibid)].
The list of blerms is endless – there are blusiness bleads (a business connection through the blog) and blagging (bragging on the blog) – and I could go on and on until you were completely blored (too late).
But since I only needed 250 words to get credit toward my community service and my blunch (spending your lunch hour at work on the blog) is nearly over, I’ll stop here. But feel free to add your own.
I hope you enjoyed this. If you didn’t, you can go bluck (censored) yourself.
Posted by
3/17/2006 12:30:00 PM
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Reverend Lew
When we were in Kutztown Lew wasn't big on classes but that doesn't mean he didn't keep himself busy. Here we see him doing some volunteer work with some unfortunate young lady who found herself at odds with the justice system.
(sorry Jude, still beating the dead horse that is old pictures)
the caption? this was scanned straight from a scrapbook made by my girlfriend at the time.
Posted by
3/15/2006 09:50:00 PM
don't worry, i didn't write these. all my feeble mind could come up with was 'blogopera' (starring rusty and andrea, of course) and 'bloggle bites'.
A Chip Off The Old Blog - A great weblog that follows in the steps of either a family member or friend that has a great weblog.
Blahg! - An exasperated phrase often uttered after becoming frustrated with ones weblog.
Blogcessive-Compulsive - Checking a favorite weblog of yours every hour (or more) during the course of the day, just to see if it's been updated.
The Blogeyman - A mythical monster known to hide under beds and in closets that attacks webloggers who neglect posting for long stretches of time.
Bloggage Of The Arteries - An unfortunate event that occurs when too many links present themselves at one time. Instead of posting them all at once, it's best to space them out, lest you suffer from "Bloggerrhea." (see below)
Bloggeratzi - People who constantly write you and compliment you on your weblog, sometimes even approaching you in person to snap a quick picture.
Bloggerrhea - Posting to your weblog many times in a short period of time. Credited to Meg or Jake.
Blogglet - A very tiny blog, by someone who is pressed for time, or is very sparing with their words. Credited to Dan.
"Blog Rockin' Beats" - Big-beat song by the Chemical Brothers favored by webloggers who like shaking booty while making entries on their page.
Blogse' - Feeling completely indifferent as to whether or not your should update your weblog.
Blog The Impaler - The precursor to Count Blogula (see below), this character steals links from other weblogs and even boasts of doing such in their own.
Blogwork Orange. - Movie that follows a band of webloggers who flaunt their selection of the title color (Haughey and Jack).
"Blog You Like A Hurricane" - Scorpions song that is best played as background music when you're making an addition to your weblog that you know is going to rock the web community.
Blogzilla - A new soon-to-be-developed application by the folks at Pyra, this web browser will only load official Blogger sites, as well as having built-in Blogger utilities.
The Captains Blog - A weblog that makes an unhealthy amount of references to Star Trek.
Count Blogula - Somewhat like a linkslut, this parasitic sucker steals links from other logs without giving credit where it's due.
"For Those About To Blog" - Song by AC-DC often used by webloggers to get pumped-up about making additions to their site.
Gang Blog - A blog that's updated by a large group of people, instead of just going solo (aka "monoblog"). Credited to Dan.
Hemoblogin - Part of your blood that can actually be analyzed at a hospital to tell whether you'd make a good weblogger or not.
"Keep On Bloggin' In The Free World" - Hit song written by Neil Young about the comfort of weblogging in non-communist countries.
Johan Sebastian Blog - Write a symphony piece, make an entry in the weblog, write a symphony piece, make and entry in the weblog, etc, etc.
Legend of Bloggy Creek - An obscure B-movie in which a yeti-like creature attacks several people in a small town who run weblogs.
"Life Is Like A Blog Of Chocolates" - A philosophical statement uttered by the main character of the hit film Forrest Gump. Meaning behind statement is said to be that even though you're linking to chocolate (a good thing), in the end it doesn't really mean much of anything.
New Kids On The Blog - Anyone just starting out in the weblogging world. Some go onto bigger things (like the teeny-bopper sensation of Joey McEntire), while others fade into obscurity (like Jordan Knight).
Pavlovs Blog - An obscure weblog with tons of links to information on conditioned responses and meat powder.
Pornblography - A weblog that mixes the normal elements of a blog with lots of nudie pictures.
Reservoir Blogs - A movie about sharp-dressed webloggers who heist a mis-labeled box of Blogger t-shirts (aha! so that's where they went).
Sir Blogsalot - A true renaissance weblogger who not only posts links, but pictures, poetry, and other things as well.
Statuatory Blog - A weblog run by someone underage.
Totally Blogular! - Derived from surfer lingo, this term refers to a radical weblog (dude).
The Yule Blog - A site featuring only winter holiday-related links.
Posted by
3/15/2006 06:03:00 PM
yo Fonzarelli - where is Nogales?
Chuck - i've got a few more pics that aren't from the yearbook so you can expect more photographic abuse until that lazy mexican shows up!
Posted by
3/15/2006 04:45:00 PM
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
New names to help with:
Steve Fehnel
Tina Marko
Tammy Wood
Posted by
3/14/2006 12:29:00 AM
Monday, March 13, 2006
All the President's Men
all those secret service and it still looks like somebody got off a round that grazed him on the head. (and i'm not even commenting on the jacket)
Posted by
3/13/2006 06:01:00 PM
Hello everyone,
Can't believe it's been 20 years since CHS. Alot has happened since then...Life has dealt me one heck of a roller coaster ride. Here's just a brief summary....
Went straight to work at Guardian Photo right after high school for 2 years. Then I worked various jobs after that 'til 1994, when my outlook on life changed forever. Suffered from a condition known as Cushing's Disease and had major surgery in 94' to remove a tumor and save my life.
After 2 years of recovery......I finally went back to work. Became a nurse's aide and got a job at Gracedale Nursing Home where I met my husband, Kelly. We got married in April of 2004 and in June of 2005 had a precious baby boy, Brandon Michael.
Since he was born....I resigned from Gracedale to be a stay-at-home mom. My life gets really busy now, between helping my parents and grandmother and caring for my own family, but I cherish every minute of it (especially with my son). Hope everyone else is doing well....Still living in Catty and looking forward to seeing everyone at our 20th Reunion!
Patty Snyder
Posted by
3/13/2006 02:39:00 AM
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Friday, March 10, 2006
Steve, Frank, ?, Uma Thurman, Joe S, LongE
Scott Schrantz, ?, ?, Lisa Harrigle? Immigrant Robb
Mark Regits, Kim Foster?, Lori Stein, ?, ?, Robby something
so was the blog running like crap for anybody else most of friday?
Posted by
3/10/2006 10:41:00 AM
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Sorry Rusty!!
Posted by
3/09/2006 04:43:00 PM
Where'd Todd's Glam shot go?
the princes of darkness, play nice. i have some time to kill before my flight and was hoping for a juicy battle.
Posted by
3/09/2006 02:03:00 PM
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
The Catty Class 86 Search Engine
Ok. Every couple days I am going to throw a couple names out there for everyone to ponder on how we can reach them. The collective minds of the CC86SE should be able to pull it out. Check out the phone books, ask parents and friends, post signs at the YMCA, do some creative searching on the internet...whatever it takes. Our first 2 are:
Bill Lauderman
Michelle Kruczek
Posted by
3/08/2006 11:56:00 PM
LongE!!!! Thanx. Laughin my ass off @ ur draft...
Posted by
3/08/2006 09:28:00 PM
Our Blogmaster
Here is a pic of the Blogmaster and myself playing some game I got for Christmas. Anybody know the name of the game? I can't fathom what it was called.
Posted by
Steve Freeman
3/08/2006 09:02:00 PM
yo bloggettes
here's a small contribution to the eyecandy pile. catch you in a few days. be good.
oh, 2 are from our 5 year reunion, and the other one is freshman year in the caf. i probably just asked mare if she was ganna eat her raisin crumble.
Posted by
3/08/2006 07:48:00 PM
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
the wall says BOYS but check out the beard on Fehnel. last i heard he was a prison guard somewhere in New England. and maybe this will get Shuey to come around and join us. he was one of the first to email us but has never made a comment or anything.
pic - courtesy of Lisa P.
Posted by
3/07/2006 10:58:00 PM