Saturday, May 27, 2006

Germany '06

My son, as you can see, is ready for the World Cup, which starts on June 9, 2006. I tried to find him a USA strip, but obviously couldn't on this side of the Atlantic. So he's an England fan, and rooting for the USA in his heart! And, being an England fan, he gets to drink real beer.

I know soccer still isn't a big deal over there, and most people don't realize that the USA has a good team. They did really well in the last World Cup, going all the way to the quarter finals, and beating some of the best teams in the world along the way. So, their first match is on June 12, against the Czech Republic, kicking off at high noon EDT. Spare a thought for them. I'll be watching them, proudly flying my Stars & Stripes while the rest of the country flies the St. George Cross. Here's hoping we go further this year! USA! USA! USA! (but I still get to drink real beer!)


kristen said...

tim--my sentiments exactly!

pauko27 said...

Vicki, do you know any true Hooligans? I mean the kind that really cause a ruckus. (Do I need to describe the ruckus?)

I came this close to buying Boddington yesterday with the picture of your son in mind, but ended up going with Ole Speckled Hen, another very good beer.

I'll be watching the USA futbol team as much as I can!

Vicky said...

Dave, I don't know any hooligans. They're not as common as most people think. I've also never been to real live football match because there's too much swearing for my virgin ears!

Drink Boddingtons! It's good for you!

mj jones said...

wow TIM I am impressed. By your other comments I thought you only drank Old Mud.

pauko27 said...

Vicki, although it has gone mainstream, we should never discount Guinness. On good taps and poured properly, it is an outstanding beer. BTW, is beer really drunk warm in England?

Vicky said...

Pauko, I'm with you on the Guiness. I will get to the Guiness Brewery one of these days (they give free samples!). As for the temperature of beer, it depends on the beer. Lager is drunk cold, but bitter, stout, and ale are drunk at room temperature. Have you ever had a black & tan, which is half stout/half bitter?

mj jones said...

hey Pauko how about updating the contact list............Sonya worked hard on that you know.