Monday, April 28, 2008

Look at the map at the bottom

I put a World Map of visitors on (I was bored on Sunday). I woke up this morning (Monday) and was blown away by some of the places people are that visited our blog. Wow is all I can say.
Here are the top 10 countries that have visited the blog. United States, Estonia, Argentina, Great Britain (UK), India, Hong Kong, Mexico, Malaysia, and Romania.


Sonya C said...

How do you know where the visitors are from? Maybe our Prez could teach some of us computer illiterates a thing or two..... looking at the map, I see there is a dot at Seattle, maybe Judy is lurking....

kristen said...

that's interesting...people in other countries must be bored, as I sometimes am, or just nosy. I'll often sit and just click on "next blog" to see what's out there

Jamie said...

Sometimes when people do searches, a word from this blog comes up, so they end up here. I know I have that happening on my blog. And you should see some of the searches that bring them to my blog. I often wonder if people then keep on reading.

Vicky said...

I might be the UK hits. I check the blog at least 2x a day.

Steve Freeman said...

Sonya, to check the map at the bottom, just put your cursor on one of the dots and it tells you where they are and when the were online. And Vicki, I guess you would be the UK hits. Also, I see lots of hits from Roanoke VA, DC, Gilbert Arizona (Andrea, come out, come out, and blog with us, stop looking and start typing)