Wednesday, April 16, 2008

American Idol

I was suprised by the performances last night. When I heard they were doing "Mariah Carey", I thought we were in for an awful show. Here is my breakdown of the evening:

David Archuleta - I still can't stand his personality, but he can sing.
Carly Smithson - A decent performance, but it had a few issues
Syesha Mercado - I'm not sure I liked all the fluctuations in her voice, but a strong performance
Brooke White - I was disappointed by her performance
Kristy Lee Cook - I thought she was awful
David Cook - at first I didn't like it - changed it up too much for me, but listening to the playback at the end it wasn't too bad
Jason Catro - I really liked his version of the song. I'm glad to see he is coming back to the forefront.

My picks for the bottom three are: Carly Smithson, Brooke White, and Kristy Lee Cook. I think it is time for Kristy Lee Cook to go home. I have to say I have been suprised by the voters a few times so we will have to wait and see what happens tonight.......


mj jones said...

I only caught the last 3 singers so I didn't vote but think David C should be the winner by far.

kristen said...

i saw all of them except for Kristy
I too was dissapointed with brooke, but dont think she should go this week. i dont like david archuletta and dont think he's ready for stardom (personality wise)

Jamie said...

I was also surprised at how much I enjoyed the show. I'm not a big Mariah fan, but I thought there were a lot of good performances.

Are the judges hard on Carly or what?

I liked Brooke's performance. Why did they think it was so bad. They seemed to like Kristy Lee better! I was hoping she'd do worse, but I think she pulled it off and is going to be safe tonight.

Here's hoping I'm wrong. Send her home!

Sonya C said...

So, who does everyone think is going home?

Sonya C said...

I was shocked when they put David Cook on the "bottome 3" side, but then they switched him and Syesha and it made sense.

I am not sorry to see Kristy go. Too bad she can't get her horse back to comfort her.....