Tuesday, April 03, 2007


You knew it was coming (Matt is probably timing me on this post), but I have to say - what a TEAM effort. Even if you aren't a Joakim Noah fan, you have to give this Team credit for what they did -beginning with deciding to return (Noah would have been better off leaving last year -now he'll probably have to return to work on his Game). What impressed me the most about the game (as well as both this season and last season) is how each player fills a role - The Passer (Green), The Shooter (Humphrey), the Slasher (Brewer), the Banger (Horford) and the Scrapper (Noah). Above all, they all play DEFENSE (reminds me of an old adage about Championships!). They had an answer to every run OSU made...and there were plenty of times they cut it to 6-7 points in the second half -which kept me on the edge of my seat! Kudos to Oden -I think he was the MOP of the Final 4. Time to enjoy this one for a while -before Football season and the Tebow watch begins. I have a feeling there will be a lot of changes for next year, including Donovan going to Kentucky?


mathbach said...

i won't be the hater - credit where it is due, they played well (except Noah who was sub-par). if OSU hadn't shot so terribly it would have been an exciting game.

wear your colors proudly Jeff.

randyg said...

Was history made? I thought they said that this was the first time ever that one college held both the football and basketball titles in the same calendar year.