Wednesday, April 18, 2007

My family and I are ok.

Thank you to all those who called, emailed or posted on this site checking on my family and I. Fortunately we were all some distance from anything that occured on campus. It is awful that this would or could occur anywhere in the world but to have it happen here is obviously very scary. I have come to really enjoy this area and this place, hopefully we will be able to bounce back.

I am sorry that it took me so long to post here and let everyone know we were alright. I tried yesterday but there was a problem either with the website or on my end and I could not get my post to submit. I did see that Andrea was able to get through however.

This is a great place, if you like small college towns, if you ever have a chance to stop by and see it please do. Things here can never be the same, hopefully they will be just as good or better somehow.


Vicky said...

Glad to hear from you Colin and to know that you're safe and well.

kristen said...

colin, also glad to hear from you...i have been glued to the coverage here and cannot imagine going through this, i sat through the convocation yesterday, and was very impressed...i worry about Brad teaching and the increase in violence they have had at Freedom lately, thankfully it has not involved any weapons, i try to persuade him to "keep his cool" because you just never know...Did you know that Mr. Cadden's son attends VT? he has been mentioned in a couple of the articles in the Morn. Call, apparently one his roomates was in Norris Hall and finished his exam early and left...

Today, Jake is 13, but he will never be too old for a big hug from his mommy!!

Jamie said...

It was good to see your post Colin. It must be so overwhelming to try and grasp all that has happened. Glad you are safe and ok!

Jamie said...
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randyg said...

Glad to hear that you are okay Colin.

Mcgon said...

Colin, I too was glued to the events that happened. Very sad that someone has come to that point of mass destruction. From what I see and have read the university will overcome and rebound well over time. Seems like a well rounded town and university. Our thoughts our with everyone!!!

Colin said...

Thanks again for all your thoughts and well wishes. Obviously this is terrible but there has been such an outporing of concern and affection here in blacksburg and across the nation that it encourages me. I hope that everyone has a great weekend.

Kristen, tell Brad good luck for me. As the child of two teachers i know that he has it rough, especially in this day and age. I tell my girls that they will always be subject to randon hugs and kisses from me and that they will just have to learn to live with it. I hope that Jake had a great birthday.

Carol (Schleicher) Good said...

Colin, glad to hear all is well with you and your family. I have been glued to the coverage as well. It has been such a horrific event and I pray that all those that have been effected by this will be able to start the healing process. I also give my boys a few extra hugs and kisses even if they don't want them.