Wednesday, April 25, 2007

American Idol

I was very disappointed with last night's show. I really didn't like ANY of the performances, but I had to vote for my favs since each call was worth money to feed the poor.

I always knew Simon had a heart and he showed it last night. It is so hard to imagine that people live in those conditions everyday. It is so nice to see those children smiling, but it breaks your heart at the same time.

I hope this evening's result shows lives up to the hype. I am looking forward to seeing how much money was raised and who is going home.


mj jones said...

In the beginning I was all for Melinda and LaKisha but now I am really rooting for Jordan, she's young, cute and has such great potential. She got my vote. LaKisha has gone down hill and Melinda just has this weird look about her. None of the guys inpress me enough to get a vote. I hope to see Chris or Phil go tonight.

Sonya C said...

I am still for Melinda and LaKisha, but I know what you mean about both of them.

One of the guys has to go tonight.... anyone of them will do.

randyg said...

After last night........bring back Sanjaya. At least it kept people talking about the show. Who was the guy that killed the Ricky Martin song "She Bangs"? He and Sanjaya could go on tour.

kristen said...

i voted last night for the first time since it was for a good cause...i am so glad some of the money is going to the less fortunate in the US for a change, i'm tired of hearing about the needs of Africa, which i agree are great, but i'd prefer to help those in our country first...i voted for Lakisha several times, too....randy, william hung, my kids still talk about him...did you see his commercial for the tanning salon "she tans, she tans"

randyg said...

So it could be the "Sanjaya Hung Tour".

mj jones said...

that was so wrong last night making Jordon think she was going home.........I really hated that!!!!

Sonya C said...

I agree, but we should have known they wouldn't send anyone home on a charity evening.

I tried calling for hours last night to donate and could never get through.

Steve Freeman said...

If you want to donate, go to the website.

Sonya C said...

That's what I ended up doing this morning.