So tell me who is going to vote for Hillary??? All opinions welcome.
Monday, January 22, 2007
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So tell me who is going to vote for Hillary??? All opinions welcome.
Posted by
mj jones
1/22/2007 06:23:00 PM
well, if she makes the ballot, I will seriously consider it, i will definately do much more reading and research than I have in the past, especially if it is her and Barack Obama, he also intrigues me every time i listen to him speak...can you imagine a woman and a black man on the same ballot...times they are a changing...
yeah me too, but I can't tell Forrest if I vote for her. I hate to think people will not vote for her just because she is a woman but there are many who won't even if she is the best canidate. Men especially of the older generations won't do it simply because she's a female. Same goes for an African American, still too much prejudice in this country.
PS> I don't know if Forrest knows to this day that I voted for Gore.
me too, Gore that is, just think how different things might be if he was in office now instead of Bush...but Brad knows I voted for him, yea, i'm not sure the older generation will vote at all if those are the only 2 candidates
I couldn't vote for Gore - he's such a liar. I am happy to say that I didn't vote for Bush either - I went green that election.
I'm not sure I would vote for Hilary. I am hesitant because of all that happened when Bill was in office.
I agree, I wonder if the average American is ready for a woman or a black man. I always felt that they should be on the ballot together - one as President and the either as Vice President. I believe the combination can work.
I wouldn't vote for Hillary, but it will be an interesting two years as we head toward the election. I was watching something last night that discussed a possible Clinton/Obama ticket in 2008.
I would vote for Hillary. I think this country needs a good shake up and she would be the one to do it. I do believe that there would be an assignation attempt on the first woman president because of what MJ and Kristen said. The world is not ready for a woman president.
We've had some interesting discussions here. The feminist in me gets nuts when men say that Hillary's 'power hungry' and used Bill to further her aspirations. Aaahhh!!! Men do that every stinking day but shame on the woman who actually has ambition? Hillary went through hell w/Bill (maybe still is) & shouldn't have to pay for his sins in her bid for the White House. I'm psyched that we finally have a strong woman running for once.
But in the end, I'm looking very closely at education reform b/c all of you other teachers out there know just how f***ed up it is. Teaching BB (before Bush) was actual teaching; not it's all about the test. I hope to actually teach to the child's needs again rather than to PSSA levels.
agreeing with MJ, i don't think our country is ready for a female or a black president. i wish/hope we're wrong but it just seems a lot to ask for from the voters.
just think how progressive our class was voting a black man as our president in 85 or 86, whenever elections were held. and look how that worked out.
Hillary Who?
I thought Steve was the only one running in the 80's???
Kidding of course but maybe he can help on the campaign trail when he isn't doing anything over the summer
Terrie I agree about the tests in East Penn the kids actually have class time for PSSA and they are so coached so that of course they always get high scores. I'ld like to see what the scores would be if they weren't coached weekly.
Anyone watch Gore's documentary on Global warming??? I found it to be an eyeopener especially with the weather we have this winter.
Ohhh maybe this should be another topic.
Matt, it was 84-86 and someone ran against me the first two years, but I can't remember who.
About PSSAs. I hate them and wish for the days when I could teach chemistry without all the interuptions for the tests. Pretty soon, we will have PSSAs for almost every area of teaching.
Currently - Math, English, Writing
Next - Science (you think students score poorly on Math and English, just wait)
Somewhere down the road - Social Studies
We are beginning to be much like the NY regent tests. And we have not even began talking about Graduation Projects (ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! What a joke they are!)
MJ-That's no fun for the kids. I think 'teaching to the test' is wrong and the kids wouldn't do as well if they weren't coached ad nauseum. In 2nd grade we're already prepping them and familiarizing them with the format.
If you haven't seen what the PSSA test looks like, check out the samples for all grades tested on the pde website:
This is good for all you parents with kids that will be testing in a few months!!
(This might also be another topic...)
No matter who is the next President, it will be a relief to have some intelligence in our top political leader. I'm upbeat about the possible candidates, both Republican and Democrats, and look forward to the next elections.
Whoever the Democrats choose, and you can add Bill Richardson - Gov NM...a VERY good candidate (Hispanic, too, adding to the mix), will be someone who actually cares about the middle and lower classes, will be open minded, will listen to his advisors (including military advisors) and will have a strong focus on health care and the environment.
The Bush presidency has been a complete disaster for this country. He has accomplished nothing and taken us backwards in numerous areas, but especially internationally. Anyone with half a brain should be able to recognize how awful he has been, and we should be embarassed that this is the best our country has to offer.
Where would Bush be w/o 911? Nowhere. Bin Laden still hasn't been caught, and we overextended into Iraq on bad intellingence with no plan, no real goals and no diplomacy. Now he's doing his best to cover his presidential ass (legacy). No doubt Bush is too stubborn to end this war during his presidency and will pass the buck on to the next president.
Now, ask me how I really feel.
Matt, I can't believe you started a political string.
My opinion only, Hillary has no chance even though all the Women Libists will go out and vote. And the fact she is a Dem. is a strike against her. I hope everyone does their research before they vote for this coat tail candidate. We already know, she can't base her campaign on values, after what Billy pulled with the cigar. So, what will she bring to the table? I'm afraid the Dems are weak on security in a time where we can't afford to be. Albeit, the Republicans are not the wearing the suit of shining armor. I believe after the smoke clears we will see another Rep in the White House. Please visit her at
umm, i didn't start this post. and not that i care strongly either way on Hillary but how does Bill's cigar use have anything to do with her values? in fact one might argue that perhaps it was her conservative stance on non-traditional sex objects that had Bill looking for a more creative outlet.
My apologies Matt, I assumed you started it....
Actually, forgiving your husband is a very strong, religious view, which, apparently, is the Republicans arena.
The Clinton thing, though very bad, pails in comparison to the immoral and unethical actions of the Bush administration. I'd run out of space in the post to list them. But how about one? Outing a CIA agent and impairing our intelligence and national security (for the main reason that her husband said things the president didn't like. ugh). You can't get much worse than that.
Right on Pauko!!!!!
I'm sorry Robb, but I don't think the country can take another Republican in office. We need a Democrat to get things back in line for the next Republican to blow to hell.
I think Hillary's views are way to socialistic for my taste.
I heard her mention Nationalized health care again...heck Canada is in trouble with that and they run across the border for our services.
Mentioning repealling the Bush tax cuts, I like my taxes as they are, less would be even better, the child tax cut helps alot.
I'll vote for anyone who will keep my taxes down and not raise them.
Anyone check out Rendell's crap?
Another $1 on butts and ban them in bars? Who is he to tell the Citizens what and where they can smoke a legal substance? Maybe he can raise all fast food prices another $3 or $4 bucks.
Damn insurance and medical groups pushing this garbage down our throats..bah
If we would make laws to prevent everyone from suing then I think this wouldn't be such a big issue. I believe that if you are below 50, you know something is dangerous and if you want to risk it - go for it. However, you should have no rights to sue the tobacco companies when you crap out.
personally I LOVE the smoking ban.
Gotta tell you that 2nd hand smoke is a hell of a lot worse than doing the smoking yourself!! I don't care if someone smokes, just leave me and my family out of it. I watched my mother die from lung cancer a little over a year ago and it's HELL. I agree with Sonya, if you choose to don't get to sue. Likewise though, it's such a hazard to those around you that I understand enclosed places being smoke-free.
Is it true that NJ is trying to ban smoking in cars w/kids inside?
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