Monday, July 31, 2006

Randy's new Ride!


Mcgon said...

Sorry Randy! But the outfit your sporting had this written all over you!

randyg said...

You could have at least put me on a "Greenmachine". Anyone remember those??? the way Boo backs are a bitch. I do have to give you credit for creativity. I thought for sure that this was Matt's handywork.

Steve Freeman said...

Now that is a pic for the ages. Randy, where is the flat spot from your skids? And, yes, I also had the green machine. I remember when I got it, I had to ride it, even though it was night time. I went out under the street light and pushed and pulled those handles swearing I was the king of Poplar Street.

randyg said...

Alright Steve!!!!! Those "Greenmachine's" were really cool. Remember how you could get them to do 180 by turning the stick steering just right???? Good times.

Carol (Schleicher) Good said...

Did you know that the Greenmachines are still around? We got one for my son the other year for his birthday and everyone still had a blast on it!

randyg said...

Carol - can you bring it to the class reunion????? That could get really interesting.