Dan Lacy, Mark Yastrop, John Roberts, Julie Heckman, Patty Slotcavage
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Let's Talk Reunion Options
UPDATED 2/28/06: Even though we have heard from only a dozen or so individuals, it appears a front-runner has emerged and that is Option 5. So I checked on the availability for the Catty Park Pavillion: Nothing in July or August - but it is available Saturday, September 2nd. This is the Saturday of Labor Day weekend (sorry Vicki and Carol). I was shocked to discover it was available that day and, just in case, requested that they pencil us in. [Dave, don't worry about the cost, I'll cover the money required up front to reserve it - if that is what we decide to do]. One of the benefits of this date is that the pool will still be open and we would get a group discount on pool tickets which would be good all day.
In addition to reserving the pavillion, in order for Long-e to effectively analyze our options for the evening portion of the reunion, he really needs a date. For that reason, I suggest we all weigh in on whether or not Saturday, September 2nd is an acceptable date for the reunion (come on Vicki - you can sleep on the flight home the next day!). I would be grateful if DAVE/MATT could send an e-mail to all those for whom we have contact information asking them to either visit the blog or e-mail us with their opinion on the matter. I agree with MJ that we want to make as many people happy as possible, but reality dictates that we move forward sooner rather than later. So unless there are a number of strong objections, I hope we will all consider 9/2/06. Thanks!
We should probably start talking about our reunion plans. But before we decide on a date - I was hoping we could discuss some options and their potential positives and/or negatives. The cost is a very general guess and would ultimately depend on the amount of class funds available. [Hey Sandman - get on that with Freeman and Julie will ya!].
After we give everyone some time to weigh in, including those who have yet to visit the blog (Joe I'm looking at you - slacker!), Matt will set up some type of fancy voting thing. If there are any other ideas not listed, please feel free to share them. Thanks!
Option 1:
Picnic/other daytime event (kids welcome).
Cost: Pavillion rental, picnic food, and non-alcholoic beverages. Alcohol would be BYO. Likely a small admission fee per adult.
Option 2:
Evening formal event with a sit-down dinner and bar in a reserved room or banquet hall.
Cost: Space rental, food. Cash Bar. Likely a large admission fee per person.
Option 3:
Evening informal event with a appetizer type food thing and cash bar in a reserved room or banquet hall.
Cost: Space rental, food. Cash Bar. Likely a medium admission fee per person.
Option 4:
Evening informal event with everyone on their own for food and drinks at a bar or restaurant or hotel.
Cost: Pay as you go.
Option 5:
Combination of picnic during the day (kids welcome) with informal evening gathering at bar/restaurant (preferably a place that is open late and has overnight accomodations within walking distance). Attend one or both - it's up to you.
Cost: Pavillion rental, picnic food, and non-alcholoic beverages. Alcohol would be BYO at the picnic. Small admission fee per adult for the picnic. The evening gathering would be pay as you go.
Option 6:
Some other event not mentioned. Please feel free to suggest options in the comment section along with associated costs.So let's start planning the "I peaked and I'm kidding myself" party!
Hey Jenny Slater.
Hey Jenny Slater.
Hey Jenny Slater.
Well, I was just trying to get a little validation for my life. I guess I came up a bit SHORT!
Posted by
2/28/2006 02:58:00 PM
I hate writing things but here we go:
After high school I went to Temple for two years. I had the most fun anyone could have in that city, no regrets, but before the GPA dipped too low I transferred back home and graduated from East Stroudsburg. Around that time I met my future wife Lisa and decided to lose some weight. We were married for nine years but things didn't work out. Do have a beautiful daughter Danielle who I love with all my heart. Been working at Guardian Life Insurance for the past 11 years and of all people I STILL LIVE in Catty with my two Beagles, Reggie("miller"), and Toby. For those of you in another state I am very jealous!!
- Dan
Posted by
2/28/2006 11:53:00 AM
Sonya - Hi from MD
After high school I went to Millersville University for four years where I received a BS in Mathematics with a minor in Statistics. As a test run for the interviewing process, I went to a recruiting session with the Census Bureau, and low and beyold, was offered a job. I can't believe I have been working here for over 15 years....
A few days after September 11th, I purchased my son who was 10 months old at the time. His name is Neon and I love him too death ... most of the time. He does speak a few phrases and believe it or not, I have him potty trained!!
I finally met my fiance - believe it or not - through a personal ad. I'm sure most of you are saying that you can't fathom a man that could put up with me but miracles can happen. I have no plans on doing the parenting thing but I have to say your pictures and comments sometimes makes me think twice but then it passes.
I am still into running - not as serious - and have stopped scuba diving due to a freak diving accident where I received the "bends". That was years ago and most would say I lead a pretty boring life. I am currently helping my fiance go to college and let me tell you the costs are killing me!!! For those of you who do have children, save!!!!
See you at the reunion!!
Posted by
Sonya C
2/28/2006 07:08:00 AM
Monday, February 27, 2006
Sheckler Teacher on Board...!!!!
Don't want to knock the reunion discussion down too far, but you'll get a kick out of this. See next comment....
Posted by
2/27/2006 10:16:00 PM
Hello from Roanoke, VA
I had to laugh last night when Mare sent me, Jamie(Schafer)Soranno, the link to this blog. Not only am I already a blogging additct, but it was quite fun to sit and read everyone's posts and comments. I have to admit, I couldn't tear myself away from the computer last night.
As you can see, I'm posting from Roanoke, but that's the newest chapter, so let me start at the beginning.
I taught for 11 years at a Catholic school in Allentown. I started out teaching English and Reading to grades 6-8 and eventually moved down to fourth grade. I lived, breathed, and loved teaching. By the end of my 11th year, I felt worn out. Luckily, it was time for a new phase.
My husband and I married in November, 2002. I moved to Florida since his job was there. He designed control systems for theme park rides and attractions.
Our daughter Ida, the greatest blessing in our lives, was born in December, 2003. Although I loved teaching, being a wife and mommy is what I always wanted in life. So I now feel like my life is complete.
After three years and three hurricanes in Florida, I was very happy when my husband chose to move us back north. First we would have WINTER again! Secondly, we were closer to our families. And thirdly, his work hours became normal!
I haven't been back to PA many times since getting married, but now that we live closer, we're hoping to make the trip north more often. My parents still live on Third Street and it's always nice to go home.
And...oh...Todd Mullen....I do hate to dispute your memory, faltering though it may be...but Mare's initial guess of Dan being the victim of the Deadly Paper attacks was correct. I may have been hit by a few during that year, but I'm thinking Dan was the number one target.
Posted by
2/27/2006 06:33:00 AM
Sunday, February 26, 2006
A "Ho Down" at Lincoln
No one was willing to start a middle school post so I will.
Remember the days of Square dancing in gym class? That was a real Ho Down.......right? Well hold that thought ladies.
There was another Ho Down of a different kind in the boys gym class during floor hockey. Everyone should remember "Ho Ho Hawrylo the gym teacher. Well Tim Cunningham bet that no one could place a slap shot right at the teacher. So we all agreed, before coming out of the locker room, that Ho Ho was his own goalie but what he didn't know was that he was the goal as well. So during the game no one was really trying to score an actual goal.....we were more interested in taking pop shots at the teacher. He was getting pretty fed up with dodging shots by everyone and knew nothing about the little wager. He surely knew the 5-D's of Dodge Ball (dodge, dip, duck, dive, and dodge) and avoided almost every pop shot thrown his way. He couldn't figure out why that little ball kept coming his way even when he moved to so many different locations on the floor. With about a minute left to play I got onto the floor and tried so hard to line up the perfect shot.............and then it happened........that little hard as a rock ball reached my stick......and there he stood directly in front of me about ten feet away, it was like the sea had separated, and he was looking down at his timer without a clue as to what was coming. I wound up and........blasted the hardest slap shot I could manage.....and time seemed to freeze as the ball was in air. To this day I have no idea where the ball struck him. Suddenly there was a thud......and then another thud. It was Ho Ho Down on the floor. He was like a turtle on his back trying to turn over and get upright again. Timmy C. yelled out "You got him" and everyone was rolling on the floor laughing. Ho Ho yelled out "Gillespie and Cunningham get to the office" Tim and I got sent to Mr. Snyder's office and kicked out of class for a period of time. For those of you who didn't know, Mr. Snyder was my uncle.......so therefor I thought nothing of being sent to the office. After all we were family right???? Wrong!!!!!! That was the worse paddling of my life. I swear he glued tacks to that paddle just for me. This was not the end of it. Word traveled home faster than any email or fax of today. Round two started when I got home that day.
I look back on this event in my life now and realize that I would do it all over again just to see my buddies laughing their asses off on the floor again. This is by far one of the funniest days of my middle school life.
My daughter can't believe that we use to get hit with a paddle in school for doing bad things. I say they should bring them back!!!!!!
Posted by
2/26/2006 10:44:00 PM
plenty of pictures from Lincoln
i've seen some requests for middle school pictures - not to worry, i've got all 4 years of middle school year books. we'll get around to posting entire classes at once, but since Tim has been holding back on the pics and did not attend Scheckler - i thought we needed a reminder of what he looks like.
does anybody have yearbooks from our freshman through junior years?
Posted by
2/26/2006 03:58:00 PM
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Checking in: Jeff Perdick,Stacey Ondush,Chuck McGlade
We've heard from Jeff, Stacey and Chuck. A quick bio from Jeff:
Briefly - After College, I stayed in Florida, then moved with my company to Maryland, and eventually to SE PA, b/t Philly and Lancaster. I was married in 1999 to Penny Boatwright, originally from Nothern Michigan. We have two children - Mariska Olga born on the Blizzard of 2003 (Feb 16) and Peyton Michael (Nah-no football influence here...), born on December 27, 2004.
Catch everyone soon....Jeff
Posted by
2/25/2006 11:54:00 PM
I have a favor to ask.
since i find it particularly annoying that Joe Jackson can't take a couple minutes out of his busy schedule to come and visit this blog. i'd like to ask that each of you take moment and let our pal Joe know that he is missed. please note, this is his work email so dress appropriately - corporate casual, but please do pay him a visit.
email Joe
carry on...
Posted by
2/25/2006 10:32:00 PM
In Progress
Paige Ryan Mullen - born July 14, 2004.
My wife and I were married October 18, 2003. So, as Joe Jackson would say if he were here, "You do the math!"
My life? In progress...
As for the last 20 years - here they are in sixty seconds:
Six years at Bloomsburg University (not kidding) . . . took my Journalism and Political Science degrees to Harrisburg for seven years . . . then back to North Catty for four years . . . ran for public office, lost . . . ran again, lost again . . . back to Harrisburg . . . promoted, then demoted . . . promoted again, then demoted again . . . apparently, I have an “attitude problem” – whatever . . . somewhere in there I became a PIAA basketball official, met my future wife, got married, and had a daughter . . . well, okay, yes, my wife had Paige, but she’s still daddy’s little girl . . . and I can’t imagine what I did before she came into my life.
Any questions?
Posted by
2/25/2006 11:54:00 AM
Mary and Kim at Elk
Yes, we are here.........alive and well and actually sitting right next together in our pajamas (don't get any funny ideas) Just kidding.....I will post my bio later with all the details but to start Mary and I have places up at Elk Mountain right next to each other!!!!!! Can you believe it? Any skiers that want to visit? and here's a recent picture.
Posted by
2/25/2006 10:01:00 AM
Friday, February 24, 2006
little grains of Sands........................
Ian 9/9/01 - Came home on 911 - what an ugly world for a welcome
A beautiful boy with a large heart............guess fireman or policeman
Lylah 9/30/03- Train Wreck. Nothing more to say but i will.............My little girl.......i will let u know how the payback feels.....:) guess ........President.
Eli 6/3/05 - Seems to be the happiest boy on the planet - we spent the little days together...................guess.....(hope)........farmer............tending my ranch in MT.

Posted by
2/24/2006 11:24:00 PM
As more pictures get posted (and I hope there's a lot more), we're doing doing our best to keep them 'inventoried' on the blog. I'm working on posting them on the website, too.
If anyone would like to add more pictures to your bio on the class website, you may send them directly to me using the class hotmail account. Your own page could make for a great way to share photos with friends and family if you do not have them anywhere else on the web.
Dave P
Posted by
2/24/2006 06:40:00 PM
Sheckler Memories
The things that I remember most about my years at Sheckler Elementary are:
1 - Sitting in lunch on a seat with a girl - one color meant dating, the other meant married.
2 - Recess - kickball, daring Kim Kerstetter to slide down the slide and sliding into my fist (oops
3 - The dinosaur loop film in the library - I must have watched that loop over 100 times, no joke.
4 - Mr. Miller's twitch
5 - Painting the Map on the corner of the lot with my 4th grade math class
6 - The obstacle course that took up the entire gym (as huge as it was)
7 - Getting paddled by Mr. Brushak for staging a sit-in in the library over the bean bag chairs
8 - Dressing as a robot in the Halloween parade (worst costume - a cardboard box painted silver and my arms hurt like hell by time we finished the parade)
9 - walking to and from school/ being a crossing guard and wearing "the sash"
10 - The scavenger hunt that ended with the treasure of tootsie pops
I want as many memories as people can come up with in the comment section
Posted by
Steve Freeman
2/24/2006 06:29:00 PM
damage control
allow me to help create a new and improved memory of me. soooo funny, i had really long hair before chemo, and then of course shaved it before i lost it all. looked like a 14 year old asian boy. when it started growing back i looked exactly like fred savage from the wonder years with a seemless shift right into eric estrada. lovely. [hopefully the pict uploaded]
Posted by
2/24/2006 02:27:00 AM
Thursday, February 23, 2006
The Man with the Gold
Last night Santiago Gillespie there sent me 4 more of the Scheckler class pictures with the intention that i'd post them all on the blog today. unfortunately for you kids i'm not as nice as him. those pics are like candy and we don't want anyone getting a sugar rush. we'll do one classic photo per week. and then as they are posted i'll add a permanant link to them on the sidebar like i did with Lew's.
i'm hoping this blog can hold people's interest for quite a while. we've already seen some people who were active the first week kind of disappear. so now we're keepin the sugar on a nice slow drip...
Posted by
2/23/2006 10:12:00 AM
Rock's Bios
Okay I think I have this blogging thing down. Well here is a picture of my son Ryan.
Well after high school I went to LCCC for four years. I got a degree in Business Admin.
Which I never used. I worked part time at The Morning Call while going to school. Thanx Robb for that one! Eventually got full time. That is when I met my wife Lisa in 1994. I then got married in 1996. We had Ryan in 2002! That has been all our life since and well worth it.
Sounds like everyone is doing well also. Keep in touch!
Posted by
2/23/2006 02:11:00 AM
Well just checking this blog thing out. I am new at this and trying to figure it out. Good to see
some pix and stories here. Will give bios later!
Posted by
2/23/2006 02:06:00 AM
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
From Laurie Matchette (Weber)
Laurie has checked in via email. (John, sorry to knock your post down a notch):
Just wanted to let you know that I received your email address from Randy. I was happy to know that there will be a possible 20 year reunion. The years have gone by so quickly. It would be nice to catch up with everyone. I am remarried with 2 beautiful daughters, Kaylyn age 11, and Kylee age 4.
Hope to hear from our classmates soon! Thanks & take care!
Posted by
2/22/2006 09:58:00 PM
Sands check'in in
matt thanx for the contact........I guess you found robby at a bar for the address. great contact and good to see that local comming out in all of us. i like the dope smokin mtbkers....were they above shortys, too? what a hoot.....kudos. your seem to be very comfortable...........
hey all - hope your well and i'm sure there will be plenty of updates to follow.....great pix ....keep um coming
Timmy C! - yo my man. great to hear from you....... the kids kill the dog? gotta love that one........thanx for the update. joe bear? WOWOWOWOWOWOW. i love him. next time u see him give him a big'ol smoocheeeeeee from me. i am sure you will drag him to the show....
didnt know about JG. makes u think hard..............
FreemSCAM- My E-A-G-L-E-S tailgate pal. do u recall the taigaiters in ncatty? robby wants to know about the bago!! the vet games were no comparison to the route(s) we took. what a time and what a pleasure to hear from u. i like your head. not much changed :) it will be great to katchup .....the family life is grand is'nt it? got 3 now......and lovin it.
so your charged with getting this party together? well get on it man...............do we have any cash?
Hey ROBBY!!!!! You saw Julie? cool. julie? then she has the cash......
RandyG - living large i bet....good to hear from u
Lew........ u goin to the cabin? Where is RUSTY? Robby - call him and get him off the couch!
Muller - what planet are u on? Where are u??
Rocky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cabin boy this weeekend? Where r u?
This will be very interesting............lookin forward to checking the updates.
Posted by
2/22/2006 09:09:00 PM
Classmate Alert !
I was sitting down enjoying a quiet lunch (no kids) at Subway-Whitehall, PA , looked up and saw a familiar face. Not just a familiar face either, but a 1986 CHS Grad- I think this Blog has something to do with it? "Bizzare".......I haven't seen this person for at least 15 years.
Julie Sodl (Kollar).I shared e-mail addresses, so she will have the link to the 86 Blog.
By the way, I will post my bio in the very near future. Great to hear from all of you. Let's get Freeman off his ass and start arranging a 20 year fest !! Julie said the bank account is still active !
Posted by
2/22/2006 03:23:00 PM
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Mary Kelly...
Hello everyone,
It was great to see all the familiar names and see how you are all doing. The pictures are wonderful! Greetings to you from Schnecksville, PA. I didn't travel too far from home. I lived in Pittsburgh for a while, but I moved back right before I got married. I still get back to Catty to play in the summer volleyball league and always look for familiar faces and have seen a few over the years. I will be celebrating 14 years of marriage this May. I met my husband when I was at Penn State, so this has been a great football year for this family. Marty and I have two children. Kyle is 8 years old and Michaela is 6. They are an absolute blast. They make us laugh and remind us what's most important in life. I've been working with Procter & Gamble for the last 15 years and have never bought my own car. Gotta love sales! I've managed to evade the usual relocations that occur with sales and we're settled here in Schnecksville (Parkland District) for the last 7 years. To get away from it all, we hang at Elk Mountain many weekends throughout the year. If you need to get away, look us up. Look forward to seeing you all at the 20th!
Mary Kelly
Posted by
2/21/2006 10:30:00 PM
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Greeting from Catasauqua
Born, raised and will most likely live out my old age here. Wouldn't have it any other way. I finally figured this blog thing out, and here is a picture of my 3. Jake, almost 12 is currently playing basketball (he has my height for now). He also plays baseball and football. This fall he will be starting with the Jr. High program at CHS. It's cool seeing him in the same colors both his dad and I are accustomed to. He does really well in school, high honors, dont know where he gets those brains from. His other interests include Playstation, and Playstation!!! Lucas is 6 and started kindergarten this year. I was hoping for all day by now, but now such luck. Cross your fingers for the next one. He also plays football and baseball, however he is a lover, and football was not his favorite this past year. He loves to entertain, and have fun. Not a day goes by that he doesnt make me laugh. And then there is Trisha! She was a bit of a surprise. Conceived at the same place as Jake, Myrtle Beach, must be something in the (ocean) water. She will be 2 on April 9, (a day after my birthday, and if I remember correctly, Carols' also) and she is my destructive little angel. She goes non stop and naptime is the greatest thing since sliced bread. She is obsessed with shoes, however, they will most likely be sneakers and cleats, not high heels or anything girly. So as you can imagine from your own lives, ours revolves around the kids and we spend our days running from football, to basketball to baseball and other school activities. We vacation in Myrtle Beach every year and just lengthened our stay from 1 week to 2 last summer (1 week was just not enough). Other than tending to the kids, I have been bitten by a bit of the reality TV bug (Survivor, Amazing Race and American Idol) Now that I've opened that door, you other closet reality tv'ers can come out! I also cant miss CSI and Desperate Housewives. I'd have to say I am most like Lynette, before she went back to work and stealing the kids Ritalin (sp?), however I honestly havent tried the drug thing (yet!). My biggest dilemma from day to day is probably trying to get a handle on all the wash that 5 people create, now aren't you all jealous! Maybe once the kids are grown and I'm in my 50's I'll think about a career. Still trying to get in touch with more people, and having some luck. Hopefully they will sign on soon!
Posted by
2/19/2006 01:48:00 PM
The Blue Monkey
Lew and I enjoyed catching up on old and new times last night at the Blue Monkey. While we were going to take a picture of ourselves for the blog, this is all we could manage after several beers and a few shots.
Posted by
2/19/2006 09:28:00 AM
Saturday, February 18, 2006
My Boys
These are my three sons. Josh 12, Brenden 9 and Dawson 5. We were on a cruise in January and it was so much fun. They loved having pizza and ice cream available 24 hours a day.
Posted by
Carol (Schleicher) Good
2/18/2006 07:42:00 PM
matt's life
i guess it is about time i make some kind of post about what has been going on in my life.
after HS i went to Kutztown and managed to graduate, despite Lew's influence. my wife Cat (Catharine) and i met there. i grew my hair long and started hanging around a bunch of dope smoking mtn bikers. we both got into bike racing. Cat was very good, i was kind of good. we moved to lancaster, had lots of parties, did a little of this and pretty much lived life like the dinks we were. then we decided we better start thinking about a family. so i started working out of the house and when Isabella arrived i was the one who stayed home. now we have Bella and Olivia, and we both work from home. life is good.
oddly enough i remain friends with these guys and we still carry on a bit.
Posted by
2/18/2006 08:21:00 AM
Friday, February 17, 2006
Putting up a picture of Andrea seemed to work. Will we have the same luck with Kimmy? Where are you Kimmy?
Posted by
2/17/2006 11:14:00 AM
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Randy G. checking in
Hello everyone from CHS 1986. It's really neat to see everyone's posts so far.
I guess I'll catch everyone up.
After high school I went onto Pennsylvania College of Technology in Williamsport, Pa for Construction Technology. I got hired right out of college by Salisbury Township as a Construction Code Official / Inspector. I worked at the township for 17 years. I left the the township in April of 2005 to pursue an opportunity to get an independent inspection company up and running in the area. I get to inspect some really beautiful homes as they are being built. We are currently handling the Lehigh Valley Hospital expansion project. We inspect for four municipalities in Lehigh and Northampton Counties. Enough about work
I have a daughter Kaylyn
I coordinated and constructed two of my own homes in the past 15 years.
I remarried in 1998. We built our house together in 1999. We truly enjoy spending time together and relaxing at the beach as often as possible.
I took up road biking about 5 years ago and have been doing some charity rides each summer. Last fall I rode the MS City to Shore ride which was 180 miles in two days. It was the most physically challenging thing I ever did in my life. I was on the bike for over 10 hours. The first day I rode 100 miles (century). It was tough to walk for several days after the event!!!!!!! (See the caption of the Rough Rider symbol at the top of the home page)
I am very involved with Kaylyn's activities. I coach her soccer and basketball team. She was in the PA Youth Ballet and performed the "Nutcracker" at Lehigh University. I even was an assistant brownie leader (what was I thinking???) I guess I was the only brownie with nuts!!!!!!
I do see some CHS classmates from time to time.
This is a great idea.Count me in on a reunion event.
Posted by
2/16/2006 05:04:00 PM
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Andrea's letting you know....
Well hello everyone! As you are all saying, it is strange to think that 20 years have come and gone so fast. I too am excited about a reunion. It is going to be great to see everyone. As for me, I am living in Arizona at the moment. Virginia was home for about 7 years, but the sun was calling so I listened! As the mom to four children I have kept very busy over the past 16 years. I have three girls (Kayla 16, Kirsten 14, Kassidy 9) and one son (Andrew, almost 12)! Being able to stay home and take care of them was truly a blessing and one that I cherished greatly. However, since they have all been in school full time I decided it was time to step out of that box I created for myself as their "mom"! I recently graduated from the Arizona School of Massage Therapy and in September I opened the door to "An Essential Touch, Therapeutic Massage"! I really love this alternative way of helping people to achieve that optimal health! The Arizona sun brings great times with hiking, boating, camping in Mexico and those RED ROCKS of Sedona. I shall soon figure a way to send pictures....but until then this will have to do! As everyone, I too have had some downtimes in life....but why dwell on the negative?! Thanks to all who created this space and c ya all soon!
Posted by
2/15/2006 11:36:00 PM
I just took a drive out to the new Catty High School. Thought i'd pass along some pictures in case some of you haven't seen it yet. I must admit, it was my first time seeing the new school, even though I am in Catty daily.
Posted by
2/15/2006 06:07:00 PM
At close inspection of the notebook she is holding, I think she was giving me the finger when I took this picture.
Posted by
2/15/2006 02:11:00 PM
Carol's life...
I guess it is time that I let everyone know what I have been up to. I am new to blogging so hopefully I am doing this right. After high school I went to Shippensburg Univ. where I met me husband, Perry. After graduation I moved to Lititz, PA which is near Lancaster. I worked in a group home for teenagers for a while and then taught in a preschool. After I got pregnant with my first son, Joshua (now age 12) I stopped working to be a stay at home mom. It was so nice to be able to spend time at home with my boys. I also have two other sons, Brenden, age 9 and Dawson, age 5. Life with three boys is very interesting and there is never a dull or quiet moment in our house. They all play baseball so it keeps me very busy during the spring and summer months. Just this weekend our middle son broke his collar bone in a sledding accident. Believe it or not that was my first trip to the emergency room for any of our boys. Now that my youngest son is in Kindergarten full time, I have been working in the office of my husband's construction company more often. I was doing the same work from home while the boys were all little, but now am actually going to the office and handling payroll and all the other stuff. Life has been very good for us over the last 20 years and I am really blessed with an awesome family. I am really looking forward to hearing what everyone has been doing! If I can figure out how to post a picture, I will try to put one on of my boys. We just bought a digital camera a little while ago and I haven't figured it out yet. Hope everyone is doing well.
Carol (Schleicher) Good
Posted by
Carol (Schleicher) Good
2/15/2006 12:16:00 PM
Kristen Bond says...
Kristen made this comment on the original post...
wow, what a cool idea....thanks matt for finding brad and getting in touch with me. Kristen Bond, here, and Dan, I am still in Catty along with many more than you would believe. I can get in touch with quite a few people, Dave, I thinks it's your e-mail i sent the names to. I'll see some once baseball season starts, our kids play for the youth org in catty, I just ran into Carol Hahn, she works at Hartzells, and others that are out of area, their parents still live at the same address they grew up at....as for me, I live around the corner from LongE (unless you left) and havent seen the Tastykake truck go by lately, whats up with that? I am still married to my high school sweetheart, it will soon be 14 years and shame on you who said it wouldnt last. We have 3 beautiful children, Jake is almost 12, Lucas is 6 1/2 and our little surprise Trisha is almost 2....I am a stay at home mom for over 6 years now and cant imagine working yuk!! Pauko, we travel to Myrtle Beach every year..anywhere near you? I'll get in touch with as many people as I can and hope to hear from some soon.
Posted by
2/15/2006 11:40:00 AM
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Freeman Signing IN!
Finally, I'm here! Blogging is new to me, so it took some time to get acclimated to the format.
I've been busy for the last 16 years doing the following (not necessarily in order of importance):
playing playstation 2 with my boys (the pic is me with my younger son, Liam (3)
teaching in the Stroudsburg Area School District (5 yrs. 7th grade Life Science, last 11 yrs. Chemistry)
getting married to Trina Ruth (Liberty Class of '84)
raising two sons (Trae - 7, Liam - 3)
going to Eagles games (Season Ticket holder, and damn proud of it)
working out (currently at Gold's Gym in Bethlehem)
Currently live in Bethlehem (I'm in the Book) with wife and two sons.
I am eager to see everyone because it has been 10 years since the last reunion (my fault).
Posted by
2/14/2006 07:38:00 PM
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Has anyone paid for a membership on Reunion.com?
I was able to register for free, but I am not inclined to pay for a year's membership. If anyone does have a full membership, would you mind emailing the people from our class that are listed? Steve Freeman, Kim Kerstetter, amongst a few others, would be great to contact.
Tx. Dave
Posted by
2/12/2006 09:59:00 PM
Saturday, February 11, 2006
New CHS 1986 Class Website
Please check out the new website which will help track what is going on with our classmates.
*** Update. The site is now at www.chs1986class.com (I spent the $10 for the name.) ***
I have sent the following email (in the next comment) to each of you. Please forward to others.
Tx. Dave
Posted by
2/11/2006 12:38:00 AM
At least i'm not the one wearing a tie-dye.
btw, the little guy in the middle didn't go to Catty, Lew and i lived with him at Kutztown
WARNING: if you don't post at least one updated picture of yourself, i will resort to the yearbook photos. that means everybody.
Posted by
2/11/2006 12:23:00 AM
Friday, February 10, 2006
Nice job starting the blog and thanks for the email. There have been a number of times I have wanted to catch up with various people only to be to lazy to actually work at it. Now you guys put the blog together and make it to easy for me. It just reinforces my theory that if I wait long enough to do something someone will do it for me. Thanks for putting this together and thanks for the email inviting me to join.
I would be in for the reunion. My parents still live in the area and we visit a number of times a year.
My story... After college I worked a couple of jobs that I did not care for. I decided to go to graduate school at the University of Southern Mississippi, where I met my wife and got married. Did an internship at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Tennessee. Got my first real job at the University of Maine where we had our first daughter, Natalie, now 8. Moved to Virginia where I work at Virginia Tech and had a second daughter, Erika, now 3. We have been here for almost 9 years and really enjoy the area.
One of my favorite pictures of my girls from about a year ago.
Posted by
2/10/2006 09:31:00 AM
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
from Michelle Rozelle
i received this email from Michelle...
Wow what a surprise to receive this information and I was wondering if our class was going to get together for our 20th. I still feel like a kid, it does not feel possible to be out for 20 years. Lets decided soon what we will be doing.
My husband, myself and our 10 year old daughter moved to Tennessee about a year and a half ago. I was a manager in the hotel business for 7 years prior to my daughters arrival. She was a preemie by 11 weeks. Only weighing 2lbs 6oz but you would never know it today. She is thriving in every way. My husband works for the federal government and we were transferred here. We have a mini farm of Red Angus Beef Cattle. Yes, me on a farm who would have thought..........
It would be great to hear from everyone.
Posted by
2/07/2006 11:21:00 PM
Playing Catch Up
Well, well, well!! The class of '86 approaching the big 20 years - who would have thought it?
Hi everybody!! It's been so long since i've seen anybody from my long lost graduating class. I hope everyone is living the life they longed for.
As for me...well, college didn't work out. I was too interested in partying so i came back home and got a job. That didn't work out, so i then enlisted in the Navy. Yes, the Navy. And as luck would have it, i joined up just in time to serve in the Persian Gulf War. I can't complain though. I've been all over the states and even got to see Hong Kong, Thailand, Hawaii, Guam, the Phillipines and of course lots of desert!!
I met my husband, Lance, onboard the ship i was on and ended up having to leave the military because i was pregnant with my awesome son, Dylan. Of course, i had no idea i was pregnant until it occured to me that i was developing a rather round belly and couldn't get enough orange juice to drink!! As if that weren't enough, the entire nine months i was pregnant and after 4 ultrasounds i was told to expect a healthy baby girl. Imagine my surprise when i delivered Dyl. To date, he is still the best thing i've ever done with my life
Lance and i didn't make it, but we're still very good friends. Dyl is an extremely bright, happy, well mannered brainiac of a kid, so i guess we didn't do too badly.
I now live with my boyfriend of almost 2 years and have an extremely happy relationship with him. We're making plans on building a new home soon so i'm looking forward to that.
Right now i'm working as a certified massage therapist in Easton. Love my job, but it's hard to make a living doing it, so i'm back to school again in March to finally get my degree. Yeah.
I guess that's about all anybody really needs to know for now. I look forward to seeing my fellow classmates at our reunion (should there be one) and hope all are well.
Til next time -
Posted by
2/07/2006 09:39:00 PM
where to send your mail...
Pauko set up this hotmail account so you can email stuff there.
you can just email me directly.
(no, that is not my mailbox)
Posted by
2/07/2006 02:08:00 PM
The Brits
Christmas Day 2004
Lillehammer Norway
3p.m. -15C on Elk Safari. It wasn't cold enough for the elks to come out to feed, so we stood in a dark forest and drank mulled wine. The gash on John's face is the result of an unfortunate sledding incident the day before.
Posted by
2/07/2006 01:15:00 PM
Saturday, February 04, 2006
God Save the Queen!
Vicki wrote this, and i had to repost it because the blogger.com was acting a bit funky and some things were lost...
I was really intrigued to get the e-mail from Matt inviting me to visit this blog. I haven't thought about high school in a long time, so to read what people have been up to for the past 20 years has been really exciting. I left Catty in 1987, went to college in Florida, met my (soon to be) British husband in 1994, married him in 1995 and later that year followed him across the Atlantic Ocean to my new home in Yorkshire, England.
For a small town girl, moving to England was a big deal. I didn't know anyone except John (my husband). I couldn't drive - well I could, but not without hitting something (more on that later). Then there was the language barrier, and believe me, British English, specifically Yorkshire English, is a completely different language. For example, "Well, I'll go t'foot uh ar stairs" roughly translates to "Really? I don't believe it?" I still can't speak Yorkshire, but after 11 years here I can finally understand what people are talking about.
Driving was another challenge. I was okay on the road once I figured out that I have to look right-left-right instead of left-right-left, and also because I could follow the person in front of me. Going in or out of the driveway was another story. I have hit (in no particular order) the garage, the house, the fencepost and the pine tree next to the drive (which John mercifully removed before I killed it). Luckily small children and animals move very quickly in this country.
Again, time has improved the situation, and I drive everywhere now. I even drove during our vacation in France last year, which was truly interesting because I was on the right side of the road but the wrong side of the car.
Anyway, back to Catty. My mom still lives in the house I grew up in, and my older brother lives in Northampton, so we try to visit about once a year. The one thing that I like about Catty is it doesn't change. Well it does, but not that much. The last time I visited I noticed two major changes - the new high school (which my mom tells me is pretty impressive now that it's finished) and the fact that they filled in Catty Pool so it's a constant 4 feet deep and got rid of the diving boards. I noticed this only because I took my daughter (yes, she does call me "Mummy") when we visited last summer.
I think it's excellent that no matter where life takes us, we all have this commonality - Catty High Class of '86. So even though I haven't seen any of you in 20 years, we still have some common ground we can meet up on, and use to reconnect with each other again. Kudos to Matt and the guys for clearing that patch of ground and making space for everyone to sit down and catch up.
Vicki Collings
"bloody yank"
check out Vicki's latest family member (our first blog baby)
added 4/11/06
Posted by
2/04/2006 10:50:00 PM