Sunday, August 19, 2007


We're back. We spent the last two weeks in the Limousin, in central France. This particular region actually has more cows than people, so everywhere we went, there were cows. Our little house was surrounded by cows on three sides. Chris was fascinated by them and learned how to moo. He couldn't start or end his day without visiting the cows. We rode our bikes, walked, swam (in the pool and the lake). We ate pastry every day and brought back a sh*tload of wine. Gotta love France!


kristen said...

fun, relaxing, just like vacation should be...pastries, right up my, now thats a pile of wood!

Jamie said...

Sounds like the perfect vacation...especially the pastries and wine!

mj jones said...

glad you had fun, hubby and I are heading to the Finger Lakes in October for a long weekend without the kids and I fully plan to do my share of wine tasting. Gotta love it!

mj jones said...

I forgot to mention you and your kids look great the little guy is getting sooo big.

Sonya C said...

I am so jealous!!! Glad you had a great time. When does school start in England?

TerriE said...

Your vacation looks absolutely wonderful and the kids are too cute!!

Vicky said...

Sonya, I'm back at work on Monday Sept. 3 for two days of in service training. My students come back on Wed 5 September. I'm not ready to go back to work yet!

Sonya C said...

Not much of a break is there?

Vicky said...

The British take breaks every six weeks or so, instead of getting 10 weeks off during the summer, we only get 6, but we get 6 more weeks off staggered throughout the year. So the school year looks like this:
End of October - 1 week off
Christmas - 2 weeks off
End of February - 1 week off
Easter - 2 weeks off
End of May - 1 week off
Mid-July - 6 week summer break

So we get 13 weeks a year. Not bad. It's nice to know that when we go back in September, after a few weeks we'll have some time off.

mj jones said...

vicki I kinda like that schedule.