Continuing with Kristen's "tagging" us, I have my eight things. . . .
1. I have filled my MP3 player with mostly 80’s music. I love to work out to the same music we listened to way back when. I just can’t resist listening to Billy Idol, the B-52’s, and all my dance music from our high school years.
2. I was in Runaways not only in high school, but I also did it during my sophomore year (at
3. Every Friday is Football Friday. I always wear something with Eagles on it on Friday. I can’t remember a time when I have not followed through on Football Friday. In school, I always wear an Eagles tie.
4. When watching Eagles games on television, I have to have an Eagles shirt on. One time, I was watching the Eagles (and ironing, that’s what I do when watching away games) and they were losing. I was distraught and looked down and noticed that I was NOT wearing anything with Eagles on. I ran (yes, ran) upstairs and immediately pulled out an Eagles shirt and put it on. They came back and won that game, and my shirts were all ironed with excellent creases (I push the iron harder when they are losing).
5. I enjoy shopping (both for food and for anything else). I just like walking around stores looking at things to buy. It is funny to think that I have shopped at Wegman’s since it opened and to this day, my wife has never been in the store
6. I am one of the first people at work. I get there by 6:20, and we don’t start until 7:15. I like being early. No line in the copy room, I can read the newspaper, and I don’t have to fight for a good parking spot.
7. My persona for teaching is a hybrid of “Redsie” Laubach and Patrick T. Callahan. I sometimes use some of Mr. Laubach’s lines in my classroom like, “Is that legal?”, and “Can you do that?”, but I don’t shake my keys in my students’ ears or put my glasses on the board (I hate wearing my glasses in public).
8. I am addicted to the blog and my email because I check each of them several times a day, and during the summer, I have my school email forwarded to my home email (because email is my main mode of communication). I even have the blog forwarded to my email via an RSS feed.