*** New photos from Michelle, Donna, and Randy added to reunion album, along with Kim and MJ previously...I think (been losing track). Did I miss anyone???
I have sent a high resolution copy of the class photo to everyone by email. Because it was sent to many people at once, it may come through as spam. You might need to label cattyclass86@hotmail.com as 'not junk' in your email program. I also may not have had everyone's email, so if you didn't receive it and want a copy, let me know. Dave
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
High res class photo sent
Posted by
10/31/2006 11:05:00 AM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
One more Happy Hour picture.....Hey Steve!
We've been meaning to post this picture, but now seems like a good time. Just wanted to thank our class president for all the behind the scenes work to pull off the reunion. The reason it went so smoothly is because you had the details handled. Thank you! After the day you had this week, we hope this makes you smile. If not, it's almost the weekend. Perhaps that will do it.
Mare and Kim
Posted by
10/26/2006 10:04:00 PM
Learning Chinese, A Refresher Course (For Randy)
Randy, have you tried the Yung Ho Restaurant yet? Here are some phrases that, believe it or not, I have never heard yet........and for everyone else who just needs a laugh after the previous heavy post.
That's not right.................................. Sum Ting Wong
Are you harboring a fugitive?....... Hu Yu Hai Ding
See me ASAP...................................... Kum Hia Nao
Stupid Man......................................... Dum Fuk
Small horse......................................... Tai Ni Po Ni
Did you go to the beach?................ Wai Yu So Tan
I bumped into a coffee table............ Ai Bang Mai Fa Kin Ni
I think you need a face lift............... Chin Tu Fat
It's very dark in here......................... Wai So Dim
I thought you were on a diet.......... Wai Yu Mun Ching
This is a tow away zone.................. No Pah King
Staying out of sight............................Lei Ying Lo
He's cleaning his automobile......... Wa Shing Ka
Your body odor is offensive............ Yu Stin Ki Pu
Great!.................................................... Fa Kin Su Pah
What's up!.......................................... Wa Sa Pen Ing
For the losers who didnt get it....... Yu fa kin dum
Posted by
10/26/2006 08:59:00 AM
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Locked down
My school has been on lockdown this morning since 8:40. It is now nearly 3 hours later, and our administration has not let us know anything. I have no idea what is going on, and the students are getting very restless. I would feel so much better if I knew what was going on.
It has been three hours, and this is what I got from the Pocono Record website on the situation (yes, we are still locked down):
Stroudsburg High School in lockdown
October 24, 2006
Stroudsburg high school is locked down. While there is no specific threat against the school, officials are being cautious because two students haven't attended class in two days. The parents of the students have noticed that firearms are missing from the home.
Some parents are coming to the school to take their children home; however, Acting Superintendent Stephen Brodmerkel has recommended that students remain in the school, where it is safe.
Monroe Career and Technical Institute, which at least one of the students also attends, was in lockdown this morning for 30 minutes. Morning students at the technical institute will remain there for the remainder of the day.
Posted by
Steve Freeman
10/24/2006 11:36:00 AM
Sunday, October 22, 2006
post reunion depression?
can anyone relate? o.k, just kidding. BUT:
it was so worth the trip back home. talking with and seeing everyone was truly amazing because even though it's been 10 years since i've seen any of you, time really made no difference. we have some sort of bond that can only exist because of how and where we grew up. i haven't met too many people in my travels that have had a similar experience.
also, i haven't laughed that hard in forever. 3 days straight. my voice didn't come back until wednesday. shocker. so thank you, everyone.
oh, i too have a bunch of snaps, but weekend lasiness has prevented me from posting. i hope to do it soon.
Posted by
10/22/2006 04:46:00 PM
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Plans for Thanksgiving!!!!
Many people have mentioned making plans to meet again, so I am taking the initiative. Tracy and I plan on coming home for Thanksgiving and meeting up and would like as many people as possible to join us. Plans are to have a get together on Friday evening.
Where would people like to meet - the Blue Monkey or another place?
What time works out best for people?
I'm not sure who is checking the blog since the reunion but hopefully people can spread the news and we can get a good size group together.
Looking forward to reading everyone's comments!!!
Posted by
Sonya C
10/21/2006 05:48:00 PM
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
334th post - WOW!
My favorite has to be Kim and Perdick. Both look like they used blush. I know Jeff uses blush, but not sure if Kim does.
I think we need to have a bit of fun with these and add captions to pictures. Anybody up for some light-hearted fun?
Posted by
Steve Freeman
10/18/2006 02:38:00 PM
Monday, October 16, 2006
In Five Years . . .
Now that the reunion is in the past, what sort of soiree should we plan for the, I don't want to type it, 25th year reunion? You all know that it is only 5 years away, but shouldn't we start thinking about if we want to go formal next time. I know what I want out of the 25th reunion, but I am interested in everyone else's thoughts of what we should do.
Let the fun begin.
Posted by
Steve Freeman
10/16/2006 02:09:00 PM
Friday, October 13, 2006
Anyone have pictures from the reunion?
Updated 10-16: I have created a CattyClass86 account with Picasa/Google for our class photos. (links in the upper right of our blog). Anyone can upload pictures to the albums, or even create new albums, like old school pictures, etc. I will send you the login info if you have pictures (post or email to pauko027@hotmail.com). I have only received 4 pics from MaryJo so far, and am emailing the login info to Kim and Michelle. You'll need to download Picasa and I think you'll be able to figure out what to do from there. Let me know.
Posted by
10/13/2006 10:06:00 PM
Monday, October 09, 2006
Six Months
Chris (aka the Ginger Boy) is six months old today. I thought I'd share some pictures of the first Blog Baby.
Posted by
10/09/2006 02:17:00 PM
Sunday, October 08, 2006
R.I.P. Mr. Galm and Mark Regits
Here is a copy of the time capsule letter that Mark Regits wrote in Mr. Galm's class. Tim Cunningham thought it would be fitting for me to have the letter and passed it on to me. Very much appreciated! We must have cheated off of each other because my time capsule letter was almost identical to his. I thought I would share it with the class before I hand it off to his family. I thought it was funny about the good movies is "10". "Ask Mr. Galm He'll Know!" I guess they both liked Bo Derick!
Posted by
10/08/2006 11:56:00 PM
All da' pics
I'm no photo expert, any suggestions would be helpful. But I've uploaded my pics to Picasa/Google's website. You should be able to view them online no problem (below) - use the slideshow when you get there. But if you want to download, you might have to create an account and download Picasa. It's a great photo software program anyway (free) and it's safe to use.
I'd like to get others photos, but I haven't quite figured out how we can use one website and share/add on our own. So if you've got photos, email them to me at pauko27@hotmail.com
View Fri Happies-Sat golf-Sat Picnic
View Main Event
Posted by
10/08/2006 09:34:00 AM
Add your post-reunion comments here!
It would be great to hear how people felt about the reunion weekend. Those who were not there (by choice or circumstances) missed a really good time. There is no doubt the blog beforehand helped make people comfortable. But what I experienced was a group of 'matured' individuals, open-minded and unified, with everyone having no problems hanging out with each other. I had no problems talking with people that I really wasn't good friends with in high school. I think we all realized what a unique situation we had in Catty...small classes, one elementary, middle and high school, and spending 12 years of lives together. Awesome weekend and I hope we continue to stay in touch through the blog...and future reunions!
Posted by
10/08/2006 08:14:00 AM
Good times all around!
It's late, but like Rock, I just have to get some pics up. Great reunion tonite! We had 49 in attendance. Everyone had a really good time.
Wow, we actually pulled off a decent group photo (available in high res if you want it...email me at pauko27@hotmail.com). How the heck did we do that??? Vicki, I figure you're up now and checking things out. Wish you were here!
Posted by
10/08/2006 02:24:00 AM
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Friday Night Happies and Poker
Here are some pics from last night. In attendance: Matt, Dave, Steve, Kim, Mary, Judy, Michelle H. and hubby, Ray, Robb, Randy...hope I got everyone. Played poker upstairs during karaoke (none of us sang though). Poker winner was...ahem...Scott Shander, class of 88. Robb gave him a run for his money. Very fun night.
Matt and I walked a few holes with the golfers this morning, Randy, Robb, Ray, Sandsy and Lew. The women didn't show! Had a few laughs at the expense of some interesting swings. I'll get pics later, I left my camera in Randy's golf cart.
Posted by
10/07/2006 11:07:00 AM
Friday, October 06, 2006
Belly up to the bar...
It's 3:47 a.m. here in the U.K., so it's 10:47 p.m. at the Blue Monkey, where there's probably an impromptu reunion happening in anticipation of the golf, which is in anticipation of the picnic which, of course, is in anticipation of the main event tomorrow night. I am awake because I have no life, and also because Chris woke up in the middle of the night for a bottle and now I can't get back to sleep.
I'm crying in my drink over missing this reunion. It's been great to catch up with everyone, and I hope the blog doesn't die a death after the reunion is over and everyone has gone home.
I will visit Catty at some point before the next reunion in 2011, and I hope I'll see some of you the next time I'm in town. Otherwise, see you in five, when we're all over 40!
Posted by
10/06/2006 10:52:00 PM
The Bar w/ No name (post reunion)
fyi, the bar that is out by the Hampton Hotel has a dress code. basically no ripped jeans, no t-shirts, no Timberland Boots. weird i know. not sure how many people were planning on heading out that way, but for those who are, i thought you would want to know.
Posted by
10/06/2006 12:10:00 PM
Tonight -- Blue Monkey
Are people still planning on going to the Blue Monkey this evening? If so, what time will the party begin?
Posted by
Michelle (Heist) Edwards
10/06/2006 10:34:00 AM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Hi from Tracy (Hicks) Kenney in SC!
I can't believe it has been twenty years! and i can't believe anyone found me, I have moved so much. The flyer in the mail was a shock, but not as big a shock as Dave Paukovitz showing up on my front door the other day. Can you believe we live about three miles from each other in South Carolina?
Well, here goes my past twenty years....went to Juniata College in PA after graduation and lost touch with almost everyone (saw Wendy and Sonny a few times early on and ran into Julie K. once on break). Was planning on Medical school or graduate school when i was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in my senior year. I still graduated with a bs in biology, but then was on my back in and out of the hospital for a year and a half. Once that was under control i went back and got a BS in nursing and started working in small hospital operating rooms. Moved to Columbia SC and worked in Trauma, Pediatric and Neurosurgery at Richland Hospital. Lost my mother to cancer about a year after that.
My husband Michael and I have been together about nine years and we have two beautiful children, Matthew (age 4) and Ashlynn (age 2 1/2).we are currently trying for number three. We moved to Fort mill, SC three and a half years ago from Charlotte, NC, but I miss it up north and would love to move back to Catty one day. We will not make the reunion, but i am planning on coming up for thanksgiving to visit my aunts. So if anyone will be around, let me know....i would love to see how everyone is doing...
Dave, take plenty of pictures and bring them by the house when you get back!! Hope everyone has a great time.
Posted by
10/05/2006 06:19:00 PM
Games for Picnic
I do not have children so I was wondering if anyone can bring some games / activities for all the kids to share in?
Does anyone have anything that we could hang (some type of banner) for people to find us easier?
Thanks to everyone who is assisting with the picnic. Please feel free to still sign-up OR show up for the picnic on Saturday from 12 - 3 at the Catty Playground!!! It is the new pavilion by the tennis courts and the sand volleyball courts.
Posted by
Sonya C
10/05/2006 09:53:00 AM
Better late than never.
Graduating class of 1986
-- (Dan, you still owe me 3 dollars (plus interest) from that time at McDonalds; nice try with that cut and paste picture of you in the pool.)
-- (Per Randy’s lead, sorry to those that I may have offended or hurt while in school (what a dumb kid I was!) and to the rest of you ‘Settle dawn naw!’)
Posted by
10/05/2006 12:11:00 AM
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Weather Outlook
So what is the weather supposed to be like in Catty this weekend? Weather in Kansas City is completely screwed up, it's the 2nd of October and it's going to reach 90 degrees today. Last year I rode my motorcycle to work on January 2nd, 75 degrees......The world is coming to an end!
Is the dress code at the golf course more then "yes you have to wear clothes"?
Posted by
10/03/2006 03:55:00 PM
Sign-up for the Picnic
These are my estimated counts as of Wednesday evening:
Definites: 40
Call me back: 14
Haven't talked to yet: 4 classmates
Here is a list of ideas that I have for people to bring to the picnic.
Main Food:
Hotdogs / Rolls
Sonya Curcio,Carol Schleicher, Sheila Longenhagen
Hamburgers / Rolls
Jeff Perdick, Sheila Longenhagen, Robert Lahue
Ray Naciewicz
Charcoal / Lighter Fluid
David Paukovitz
Hoagie Tray
Steve Freeman
Side Dishes:
Pasta Salad
Potato Salad
Chuck McGlade
Macaroni Salad
Mac & Cheese
Laurie Matchette
Chuck McGlade
Jeff Perdick
Chex Mix
Arlana Bennicoff
Carol Schleicher
Todd Long
Paper Products:
Plates / Forks / Napkins
Randy Gillespie
Arlana Bennicoff
Matt H, Chuck McGlade, Jeff Perdick
Laurie Matchette
Sonya Curcio
Matt H
Please post what you would like to sign up for OR what you want me to add to the list. Dave, please feel free to update also if I get behind.
Posted by
Sonya C
10/03/2006 01:44:00 PM
Picnic ON!
Thanks to all of you feverishly making phone calls. Patty got the small pavilion at the Catty Playground (A few phone calls and one conference call - that was so cool - I never did that before). Now we need to work on the food. We need to work quickly and efficiently.
The pavilion has electricity, grills, and water, so go for it folks. Let the organizing begin. I will get checks to Patty ASAP (have to secure it by Thursday), and we will work on the rest of the organizing NOW.
Posted by
Steve Freeman
10/03/2006 10:03:00 AM
Sunday, October 01, 2006
o.k. so i'm a girl
hey everyone. i have been sporadically blogging (yes, a far cry from my early days when it was my favorite obsession). however, i'm sure i've missed out on some important topics, such as reunion fashion, so i thought i'd do a last minute huddle.
alright ladies:
topic: dress code. what are you wearing? i'm thinking jeans friday, and um, jeans saturday, but you know, all sassed up. i wasn't sure if the thing on saturday was "formal" or was a cocktail dress-type deal. just trying to get my outfit game plan in order (boys, mock if you must, but it's true).
also, what do i need to golf? do i need cleets of some sort? i can't see hauling them with me.
anyway...i'm so excited to see all of you. i can't wait. i seriously had a dream with mare, kim and randy in it last night.
Posted by
10/01/2006 11:04:00 AM