Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Newest '86 Offspring...

Better late than never, Christopher Joel (8lbs., 15 oz)arrived on Sunday, April 9, 2006 at 6:01 a.m.

Listening for the collective "Awwwww..."


Steve Freeman said...

Congratulations Vicki AND John. Is that red hair? He looks tired. How about you? It is so refreshing to see a picture of a newborn without the Saint Luke's Blue Background ALL children over here have. Anyway, hope all are well and have fun with the late night feedings and all those diapers.

LongE said...

Congrats Vicki! That kid took so long to come out...I was expecting a 20 pounder!

Sonya C said...


He is adorable. I hope he doesn't keep you up too much and you are able to continue writing to us.

mathbach said...

congrats Vicki, to you and the whole family. CJ is beautiful. you made that post not even a full 48 hours after his birth, you aren't home already are you?

mj jones said...

congratulations Vicki and family......what a beautiful little baby. Best of luck with him. My SIL just had a baby so It brings back alot of memories for us it seems so long ago my kids were babies. Enjoy the moments because as you know life goes too fast.

Colin said...

Congratualtions Vicki. I hope everything went well and everyone feels as well as possible. He is adorable. Good luck with the sleeping, feeding and everything else. Have fun with him.

Michelle (Heist) Edwards said...

Vicki...Congratulations!!! He is beautiful. Enjoy every precious moment because we all know that they don't stay that little forever. I hope you are all doing well.

Jamie said...

Congratulations Vicki! What an adorable little guy! Major credit to you for getting home from the hospital after giving birth and blogging!!!

Vicky said...

Thanks everyone for your kind wishes. Yes, Steve, that is red hair and we're not discussing it. Apparently there is a "ginger gene" which runs in John's family, and the first thing John said when he was born was "Oh God, he's got red hair!". I had him at 6 on Sunday morning and I was home in time for supper. Georgia is both enamored and terrified of her little brother ("Mum, he's crying!"), and we haven't slept in 2 days. Life is good!

tmmullen said...

Wow. Babies are such a nice way to start people. Good for you Vicki - well done. I hope all goes well with CJ and family.

kristen said...

Congratulations Vicki! Your little guy is adorable. and he shares a b-day with my daughter only 2 years and 3 hours later...brings back memories, but i'm glad it was you and not me this time! Best of luck!

Carol (Schleicher) Good said...

Vicki, congratulations to you and your family! He is beautiful! I'm sure Georgia will soon be excited and not so much afraid of having a baby brother. I hope you soon get some sleep and recover quickly!

randyg said...

Way to Go Vicki !!!!!! A future footballer (not the English kind of football).

Anonymous said...

He is just perfect. Can't they just stay like that (peaceful and sleeping) until they are like 20?
I still can't believe you blogged so quickly after childbirth- you go girl.

randyg said...

Kim - I thought that kicked in at age 40????? I would love to sleep (in peace - no one bothering me). Does that get me out of doing housework as well????

judy said...

well done! he looks amazingly cute for a fresh one. i'm surrounded by new babies, and i tell ya, he's pretty GQ.

way to go vick!

Anonymous said...

Jude........'a fresh one'? nice.
Randy- nothing gets you out of housework- get over it.

judy said...

hi kim. how are you?

i was trying be defferent. you know me, i'm not the mommying kind. i do, however, fully support all mommies everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Well- you sure were different (as always).
I'm trying to get Randy down here to do my housework for me.
How's with you?

randyg said...

Kim - I was really banking on that theory. Now you took that glimer of hope away.

andrea said...

vicki, he is beautiful. congratulations.....definitely worth waiting for!

Mcgon said...

Vicki, way to go! I changed my mind about the polish immigrant and the farm hand picture being published in the paper! I believe CJ and yourself belong there. I give it to you after all a two day after birth blog. Now that is either a sickness? Drugs wearing off? Or dedication towards the blog? CONGRATS!!!

pauko27 said...

Congrats, Vicki and best wishes! Thanks for sharing with your fellow bloggers.

Mare said...

He's beautiful Vicki! Congratulations and hope the family is getting some naps along the way.