As I sit here in In-School Suspension (first period EVERY day), I was thinking about our days at CHS. I remember much about those days and thought that I would create a post about one aspect of high school, and I would like to start with favorite teacher. I want people to come up with his/her ONE favorite teacher from CHS and why he/she chose that teacher. Here I go.
My favorite teacher in high school was by far Mr. Raymond Laubach.
I have many reasons:
1 - he was my homeroom teacher for all four years of high school.
2 - he possessed many of the qualities that I try to emulate as a teacher
3 - he pulled no punches and expected you to do as well as you could possibly do
4 - I had him for about 17 different classes (Field Math, Trig., Math Analysis just to name a few - okay, maybe it wasn't 17, it just seemed that way back then)
5 - He was strict, yet the glass trick on the board and the key jingling was entertaining
6 - He was the Varsity "C" advisor and put up with us
7 - He made me want to learn
8 - "You think I'm kiddin' ya?" is a classic line
9 - "QED - Quo Erat Demonstratum" is another classic line
10 - It has got to be the red hair, the glasses, and the way he said "Saurday" - Saturday without the all important T
- Okay everyone, let the memories of your ONE favorite high school teacher begin.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Just Thinking . . .
Posted by
Steve Freeman
4/28/2006 07:58:00 AM
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Laubach is right there at the top of my list as well. definitely a good role model for how to be an effective yet engaging teacher.
somebody else whose class i always enjoyed was Mr. Angeline. i don't even know what he was supposed be teaching us. history i think. but it was cool that we often went off on some other tangent; current events, politics, morality - life lessons - stuff that today a teacher would most likely be fired for talking about. it was also pretty funny when in the middle of class, he'd stop teaching, fly out the door into the hall and slam somebody against the lockers because he figured they should probably be somewhere else doing something constructive. come to think of it you would probably get fired these days for that as well. Billy G sat in front of me in that class and it was cool how Angeline called him "Wild Bill" and made it fun for everybody. also when LongE, Jackson and i got busted skipping school (because SOME STUDENT who shall remain NAMELESS pointed out how odd it was that all 3 of us were missing on the same day) Angeline was totally cool about the fact that we missed a quiz. he gave us zeros but then told us about his policy of dropping the lowest quiz score. also he called us "scumballs" all the time and when we finally got got a set, and began calling him "scumball" he didn't even flinch - he'd just put LongE (or somebody) in a headlock and keep right on walking down the hall into his class.
Matt I totally agree...Angeline was by far the best. I remember when Lee Hodgins (in jail now) cocked off to him and Angeline just walked up to him like nothing was going on.....grabbed the front of the desk and chair....flipped it onto its side on the floor....then grabbed Lee by the hair and drug him into the hallway where there was a whole lot of "No..Stop...Ouch" and lockers being slammed into. Good times Good times.
Another good one was Mr. Wolfe. Man where do I start with this one??? First day of gym class every year he sat us down and said, "I like to see a little blood every now and then". He's another one who had issues with Lee Hodgins. He threw several softballs at him for cocking off to him. Then there was Gym Club. Way too much to write about here.
i didn't know Lee was in jail - what a surprise. shooting at the mail man, slashing school bus tires or something new?
Wolfe - remember "combative games"? think they still do that?
yes Randy please tell why he's in jail. Do you think him and Strohly are cellmates???
You guys are so funny talking about Angeline. I always thought he was one of the worse teachers. He was so rehearsed all I remember doing is copying notes every single day and studying for pop quizes every 3 days. BORING!!!
My favorite would have to be Mr. Edwards he was so cool. I think the class was current events or something like that and he took the class to tour LC prison. He also took in Rhonda Kuhn when she had no where else to live. Talk about going out of your way for a student. He seemed to be a real genuine, caring individual.
Mrs. Lambert (creative writing) and Mr. Kresley (art-major, senior year), they never questioned the off-the-wall things that i wrote about or created. i felt that they let you have an open mind.
angeline: "women should be barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen"
I now appreciate Callahan's enthusiasm for Physics more than I did in HS. "The Law of Conservation of Mass."
I agree, "Redsy" was #1 far and away. You ommitted one key item though....DUTCH RUBS. I remember him giving me a good one when he though I was being a wise-ass (although I was just being naive). He asked me "Mr. Perdick, what do you do when your car won't start (Trying to infer the Substitution principle (Change the Battery). Being too young to drive (I was a Sophomore in Math Analysis with all the Juniors) I answered "Mr. Laubach, I don't drive" -too which the whole class erupted (as well as Redsy!!). I couldn't get a word in edge wise while he had me in the headlock, the harder he rubbed, the harder I LAUGHED!! It was all good. The best part was that he wanted you to learn and he really supported those that tried. I remember him attending virtually all of our sporting events. He even analyzed some plays with me the day after a game - very cool.
Randy - Mr. Wolfe is a close 2nd. I remember the exact quote you referred to. Day 1 of class..."We run to and from all the fields. I want to see hustle, I expect to see a lot of sweat, tears, and even some occassional Blood". Classic Spartan mode...
P.S. - Who is posting as anonymous??
Man who molested girl, 11, sentenced ** She was abused for more than 5 years by the Catasauqua man.
[SECOND Edition]
Morning Call - Allentown, Pa.
Author: Debbie Garlicki Of The Morning Call
Date: Jan 18, 2002
Start Page: B.8
Section: LOCAL
Document Types: LOCAL
Text Word Count: 436
Abstract (Document Summary)
The girl fears that [Lee E. Hodgins] will get out of jail and come after her, [Theresa Rentko] said, adding that the long-term abuse will affect the girl forever.
The judge ruled that Hodgins is a sexually violent predator subject to the state's Megan's Law, which requires sexual offenders to register with the state police for the rest of their lives and to notify authorities of changes in address. Hodgins also is required to attend monthly counseling sessions at his expense upon his release from prison.
Defense lawyer Carmen Marinelli said Hodgins admitted he made a mistake but said he couldn't control himself. "I can't do anything to make up for it," Hodgins told the judge.
wendy posted 2 recently (ok, this will be the 3rd) as anonymous (i forgot my password...and to think that at work i just typeset a book on corporate blogging). sorry! i must be getting old.
fyi: i didn't post the one on lee hodgins.
oh dear god if this is indeed the truth I hope he rots in hell!!! I don't remember what he looks like I guess I'll have to get the yearbook out again.
Randy can you confirm this story??? possibly illaberate....
ok Redsy was pretty damn good. how about Mr Fahringer? - yeah he was a bit of a liberal hippie and probably gay but he did have some enthusiam for his teaching.
and what about Stitts, could he make geometry exciting or what?
MJ - this is the correct story. I have no regrets for roughing him up in gym classes. He was alway a littly cocky S.O.B. and I know there are a few other CHS classmates who enjoyed taking turns at attitude adjustments for him in gym class. He irritated a gym teacher to point where a few of us were called into a little meeting prior to gym class (floor hockey) and were given the go ahead to.....well lets just say rough him up a bit.....we'll leave it at that.
sorry to burst your bubble matt, but Mr Fahringer isnt gay...i could not stand Hodgins either, always thought he was a little weasle! cant comment on Mr. Angeline because I will just get myself in trouble, also had a bit of a run in with Laubach, but that was after high school, when I was coaching cheering and he was A.D., never had him as a teacher...I liked Fahringer, he let a lot of things slide, MJ i think you might have been in the class with me when someone's (WHO SHALL REMAIN NAMELESS) pot pipe fell out on the floor and made the loudest noise ever..of course we both sat up front, and he was right there lecturing...just kept lecturing...think she was his favorite anyway...and if that someone is reading this, you know who you are, NOW GET YOUR BIO POSTED!
Pauko with a pot pipe?????????? I would have never guessed that.
I can probably guess who the culprit was.....
really LongE? i'd like to hear your guess.
mostly i just want to hear the answer without venturing my own guess and offending somebody.
What's a pot pipe?
I probably would have to say that one of my favorite teachers was Mr. Callahan. Even though his class was tough, I loved science and all the experiments and little projects he had us do in IPS and physics really made you think. Does anyone remember how the little plastic dog would stop at the end of the desk and not fall off and why that was so?
Mr Laubach went to my church and I thought he was a really nice person, but in class he scared me to death. I was terrified pretty much everyday I had to go to his class because I was afraid he would give a pop quiz or ask me to put a homework problem on the board. I do remember quite a few people getting Dutch rubs though. That is one funny memory.
The story about Lee Hodgins is new to me. If that is true, that is really creepy and he deserves to be in jail for the rest of his life.
Yeah yeah Freeman....we know being the class President you didn't inhale.
sorry randy, it wasnt dave, i had mostly business classes my junior and all senior year...i think this was senior year...and yes longE, i'd like to hear your guess too...
i'm thinking Sheila since Kristen has been leaning on her to post a bio for a couple months now.
Randy, if only. You seem to had had a much more interesting high school than I did.
Carol, agreed with Callahan. Please finish the dog story.
Teachers in general...Wouldn't it be interesting if teachers had some kind of accountability to their teaching ability and student interaction? Maybe surveys from their peers and active students? Would be great to hear from the teachers on this one.
Hodgins, you know, there were times when he was ok, and he was actually a very good long distance runner (better than me in 9th and 10th grade). Sure he had an attitude, but (without getting into a big discussion), I'm sure it had to do a lot with lack of a family life and parental supervision. Heck, we had lots of kids in our class and other classes with potential who just had no support from their parents ("This is what you get for spilling paint in the garage." -movie quote). I guess it's something for all of us to remember. Don't blame teachers, don't blame music, don't blame the movies, don't blame society....parents should be the biggest influence in a kids life.
Ok, I'm rambling now...
Pauko - some good points, some I agree with and others I don't. The reason he became a good long distance runner was because how he learned to get away from all the people he cocked off to who wanted to give him a good old fashion "attitude adjustment". Sometimes there is no reason for is what it is. Everyone makes choices in life. He made a choice to molest an 11 year old girl. I'm blaming him!
Yea, I was only thinking high school years with Hodgins. No doubt everyone has accountability at some point.
well said Randy, no one is to blame but him for this hideous crime. I hope he gets his in prison!!!!
I vote that he receives some "old time punishment"....Hamurabi's code - CUT HIS @#LLS off!!!
That might keep him in line.
Would someone tell Perdick that this is an adult blog and you are allowed to type balls instead of @#LLS?
Perdick--this is an adult blog and you are allowed to type balls instead of @#lls!!!
i could never concentrate in Callahan's class, i blame it on the tooth.
a gun? damn i really wasn't paying attention. i think Joe and i both flunked Physics. were we supposed to do something with kites?
wow. will the madness stop? i like the goes from stevie's heart felt plug for Reds to pot pipes and child molestation. strohly called him hodgekins. not sure why but i can recall him saying it over and over as we beat his ass on the back of the tech bus. resilient little bastard. also, i recall joe nearly snapping his spine with the binding of a bus must have done something to us (or was that the shrooms and fatties?)….and then there were the hammer beatings….hey Rusty…..take u back?
So the favorite teacher thing is tough being a tech chump....didnt spend that kinda time with the same teachers ....
Stits used to call me "tech people". is that love? we used to argue about precision and accuracy…..old fuck had a serious hair complex - RIP
Ms. Kuhns was a hoot. Even though we were mean to her and laughed AT her expense I recall speaking with her outside of the chaos and she was very polite….didn’t have to be but was…..( I think RIP)
Wolf – liked him for his reality checks…….kill or be killed. Bottom line he taught the facts, he set the rules, he followed through on his promises should you have broken them
Take your pick
Sands - fellow Tech(er). Some of those bus rides to Tech was a treat. I'm there with you on the favorite teacher issue. We just didn't have that much time with any specific one. How about any of the Tech teachers? Some of them up there kept our asses in line.
dont really recall any of them except Youngy - he was a kid in a 50yr old body. not sure if he is still with us or not......
I remember 10th g multi-occupational wow - we actually had kids smoke dope in the welding booths - while we were in class.
u gonna be up late bloggin?
Bill - Glad to see you joining the blog...I knew those comments would bring you out. Death Row - I guess you've seen a lot of shit (See Freeman -I can say the real words!). I like the Tx justice idea...Do you have any connections in PA...maybe a "gun for hire"??
By the way -Luckily I don't think my Singlet fits anymore, and I think I'm out of your weight class at this point. So we'll have to pass on the 'rastlin match' Matt eluded to earlier.....Good to hear from you.
This is for Freeman....In the spirit of George Carlin - here are the "7 words you can't say on TV" (but you can on an Adult blog)...Shit, Goddam, Mother Fucker, Cock Sucker, hump, piss, tits".....Stick that in your Blog and smoke it....
Jeff - first the drinking, then the cursing, i think this blog is a bad influence on you. the gambling and whores can't be far behind.
What is this obsession with smoking and pot pipes all of the sudden?
I can't believe you went from Mary Poppins to Dave Chappelle in on comment; my how things have changed.
I need to go wash my eyes. The filth in here is disgusting.
did you have to look those words up?
Sands - Are you talking about Bob Young the cabinet shop teacher? If so he is still with us. He actually helped me install my kitchen cabinets and he made my counter tops for me. He does a lot of work for the construction side of our company.
Hi Bill, great to hear from you. I'm not sure if you commented on the blog before, but glad to have you with us. I do like the idea of your Texas justice for all predators. It must have been rough working on death row.
Things appear to have gotten a little trashy around here with all the language, and I am totally shocked by Jeff! My eyes can't take it!
you know it's bad when we need a dose of Judy to clean things up.
boy, that pic of the "old" high school is looking pretty good right one who has stayed in town, the blood is beginning to boil over major budget cuts...building a new high school was a very poor decision...just got word of first set of cuts and of course it affects athletics...board is cutting one coach from every sport, plus marching band and indoor guard...more major cuts to come that will most likely have a greater impact than athletics...retiring teachers from Sheckler (you may remember Sheska, now Mishko, Sundae, now Hassler and several others)may not be replaced...used to be prided on small class sizes...taxes going up at last word by possibly 11 mills...kudos to those who got out of town...permanent move to Myrtle Beach looking better every day!! Of course my 12 year old wont hear of it and i do like raising my kids here, but things are not the same...those of you out of town/state, is it any better anywhere else? and thanks for letting me vent!!
What a thread ! How did favorite teachers turn into POT, BALLS, DEATHROW AND TAXES !!! Blog rules !!!!!
i'd much rather pay for pot than taxes, although at this stage in my life, that isnt a serious option!
Whoa this post is hopping!
Sounds like high school was MUCH more interesting for other people than it was for me. ;-)
Man this blog got out of control quickly but I can honestly say to Kristen that it isn't any better anywhere else. In today's paper, an 8th grade student was plotting to blow up the W/C Middle School where my daughter attends. Talk about scary!!!! There are issues everywhere. Unlike when we were kids, I pray for my daughter's safety everyday!
Kristen about how much does 1 mill amount to???
my brother and I were just discussing the differances between Catty and East Penn, Catty being a AA school and East Penn being 4A. Alot of kids really don't stand a chance sportswise because of that. Just for example 125 Lower Mac. and 75 Emmaus kids in Austins age group tried out for travel baseball that's only the 9-10 year age group and only 12 get picked per team. How does a kid play here unless they are excellent. Both have there perks and downfalls I guess. Our taxes are out of control as well and continue to go up on a yearly basis. We need a new Elementary, then Middle then a 2nd HS so I feel you pain. At least you won't have the growth issue once this gets settled. I think in the future East Penn will have 2 high schools now how the heck will that work?????
I sure hope my kids are smart!!!
Can you please come on the blog and clean it up? It sure is ugly.
I always thought I would love to raise my little girl in Catty so she could have as good a childhood as I did, but obviously- that wouldn't be happening even if I was there. Sad to hear it. I guess it's just like anywhere else now. And I thought we were so special...............
Please check out the blog named "Block of Rooms" below Dave's picture for an update on the hotel issue.
In Stroudsburg, we don't even have a new high school (water leaks into my classroom every time it rains) and we are facing the same cuts. They are trying to do the same things as you mentioned (not replacing retiring teachers) and are trying to force all classrooms in the building to have 30 students (none below that).
Also, we currently have 14 modular classrooms (like Mr. Post and Rothrocks) and are poised to get 4 more (8 more classrooms).
We are possibly losing up to 12 teachers. They are trying to recoup 6 million dollars and think that releasing 12 teachers (at 30,000 per) will help. Last I calculated, that only relieves 360,000 when they have to recoup 6,000,000 (a mere 6%).
Thanks for letting me vent -
signed, Getting Wet in E218.
PO! the above was too funny. LETS GO FLYERS! They need new cheerleaders. Yes?
Wow sandman is back again! Is he finally done gardening and landscaping?? Glad to see you back! I believe Robb might be interested in the Flyers cheerleading job too!
Kim--dont get me wrong, my kids are having a happy childhood, its the adult issues that are the board seen as sneaky and athletic council meeting, voted yes to recommending to the board that all fall assistant coaches be approved..2 weeks later at board workshop meeting vote was 7-1 to not rehire one from every sport, plus marching band and indoor guard
MJ one mill is approx $180 on a home assessed at $20,000 (ave assessment in catty, this isnt appraisal value) the whole issue stems from building this new school, and nothing to pay for it with, at that time they said taxes would not go up, we all knew that wasnt true..the thing is, there is not future growth here and many, many residents are those on fixed income, how will they afford this?
needless to say, the board meeting on monday will be interesting
and wendy, yes we are METS fans!
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