Tuesday, April 04, 2006


these guys could've made that Gators squad so much cooler. check out Chuck Roth sporting the supafly tinted eyewear and Pauko with the pristine white Chucks. a sign of things to come.

photo courtesy of Joakim Gillespie


Jeff P said...

Joakim (er - Randy),

Good post...I never played basketball so I'm not sure I can name many people here, in fact probably only the front row at best... Strohl, You?, Bruce, Fegley, Pauko. Who is in the back row.

P.S. - I have a good photo of you that I'll have to post soon. Any guess as to what it is??

mathbach said...

back row Tim Scheckler?, ?, ?, Chuck Roth, Mark Yenser, Coach?

i thought that was Muller next to Pauko.

Jeff P said...

Is that Lew Dewalt & Tim Walbert in the back to the Left of Chucky??

mathbach said...

i thought of Lew D, but he wouldn't have been that tall and the really tall guy isn't Walbert, he was much more crimson.

Anonymous said...

Is that Mombo in the back? I can't think of his real name though...

mathbach said...

YES. good call Robb.

judy said...

what are you guys, in 4th grade?

don't even tell me it's middle school. eesh.

judy said...

it's some leichlictner (???) kid next to pauko. he had a sister karen lichleichneriejdlfj - something like that.

mathbach said...

j - you still at work?

Anonymous said...

I think his first name was Brad LichnebHFGSYRRSOOSOAner

Steve Freeman said...

#42 is Alan Benjamin (our newspaper delivery guy)
#54 is TALL
#34 - Chuck (I can scratch my knee without bending) Roth
Mr. Gillespie
#24 - Joe Strohl
#31 - Just ate a lemon
#41 - Bruce (why am I the only dark one on this team) Linton
22 - Lechlightenerereerabletospelliter
#10 - Dave (set shot) Pauko

My thing is - Why are Randy's socks green. Where are the brown or brown and yellow?

randyg said...

It's Todd Lechleitner...My socks are green cause I dare to be different.

Steve Freeman said...

What's with the lemon pucker?

kristen said...

#54 is Bob "Mombo" Spengler, the pride of Catty now (our Superintendent!!)

kristen said...

who's the manager? next to benjamin

andrea said...

nice smile there randy....

anyone up for a happy hour on thursday? i'm in town....

randyg said...

Andrea - did you get my email with my numbers? Give a call.

randyg said...

Kristen - that is Tom Spengler.

LongE said...

Drea....took my cell phone in the ocean today. It is obviously ruined. So, I won't be able to talk to you until I get back other than email. -

Jeff P said...


I think that's Bob -he was a year or two ahead of us. I'm shocked I didn't recogninze him sooner -he lived right down Hunter Street from us. His older brother was Tom -and he was 4 years older....if that is him, no wonder he looks so damn tall! He also had a younger brother -Steve

Jeff P said...

Longe - Sorry to hear about your cell phone..hopefully there is an interesting story that goes with it!

mathbach said...

i'm sure it begins with "i had my first cocktail around 10am"

randyg said...

Jeff - It is Tom Spengler or Spangler who hung out with Tim Sheckler. They were one year ahead of us. He lived across the street from me on Penn Street.

kristen said...

randy if you guys are talking about #54 it is BOB Spengler, he is Catty's superintendent now (NOT TOM)

randyg said...

Kristen - we are talking about the manager in the picture. How are you? I haven't seen to many posts from you lately.

LongE said...

Strangely enough, there is no good story. Didn't have any cocktails before the phone incident.

pauko27 said...

Longe, I'll get everyone to chip in few bucks and we'll make sure you have some stories to tell.