Thursday, February 14, 2008

Is it the weather?

It's been quiet around here again, and The Morning Call online tells me old man winter is beating down on the East Coast. Today the paper says "flooding!" I worry about my mother in weather like this. I know my brother will drop in and make sure she's okay, but still, I worry. What about you guys? Everyone okay? Or is it just that you're too busy sandbagging to blog?


Sonya C said...

I have been looking at the web site every day - just not much to say. I am having issues with my vehicles and trying to decide what to do about them.

The weather has been icy down here in DC but we have had worse. The wind has brutal - that is the part that gets to me more.

steve said...

I don't know if it counts as a "flood", but my sump pump picked yesterday to quit working. Sump overflowed and put about 1/2" water on the basement floor.

Lots of ice dams on the roads yesterday. Saw a car swamped with water up over the door sills at an intersection in S. Allentown yesterday.

kristen said...

yea, these storms have been cant even go out & play because whatever snow is out there is covered with ice so its all hard and crusty...supposed to get more of it on sunday...glad I didnt spend a fortune on snow boots this year!