Saturday, July 28, 2007

klick klacks

Everyone remembers these. They were awesome, but taken off the market because of something stupid; boys probably used them while playing army (or better yet, block chase) as weapons. If I remember correctly, I think the balls shattered (they were originally made of glass - freakin' duhhhhh).


mj jones said...

yes of course we all had these and of course we hit our selves in the face a few times, all you boys had toy guns too didn't ya???

Steve Freeman said...

toy guns and klick klacks to use as grenades

Jamie said...

Thanks Steve...I couldn't remember what they were. But I never had them. Guess my sister and I were too busy playing Barbies!

kristen said...

yea, i remember the glass ones, now they are made of cheap plastic and two plastic pieces connect from the ball to the stick, much easier to do...isnt everything easier for kids these days?

Sonya C said...

I love that toy. It didn't really hurt when they hit you, but I remember playing with them all the time.

PAS1968 said...

I remember this toy very well. In fact, I still have an original one. It's purple, of course(still my favorite color), and made of glass. Every now and again I still use it. I used to be quite good at it.