Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I've had enough

These are for all you stinkin' Stiller fans.

'Nuff Said.


randyg said...

You would have to expect this from an Eagles fan. One for each finger and "one for the thumb"

Steve Freeman said...

Hey, be happy I found some pictures of Stillers for you. I think the little kid has a point. The middle pic is Cowher's next job and the bottom pic is why Ben needed an appendectomy.

randyg said...

Steve - Lets get off the football subject for a minute. I just sent you and Matt an email regarding the hotel. People are calling a toll free number that takes them to Best Western. Our contract is with Hampton Inn next to the Best Western. All of our records are on file at Hampton Inn with our special rate of $109.00. I believe people are calling the wrong place. The Hampton Inn does not have a toll free number. The number to call is 610 868-2442 and ask for the Catty Class of 1986 Rate.

Okay....now back to football....The Eagles still flat out suck. Besides the kid in the picture is a Seahawks fan (smart kid)

Steve Freeman said...

Randy, this is for you:

A first grade teacher in Pittsburgh explains to her class that she is a Steelers fan. She asks the students to raise their hands if they are Steelers fans. Every student raises their hand except one little girl. The teacher looks at the girl with surprise and says, "Janie, why didn't you raise your hand?"

The little girl replies, "Because I'm not a Steelers fan."

The teacher still shocked, asked, "Well, if your not a Steelers fan, then who are you a fan of?"

"I'm an Eagles fan, and proud of it," Janie replied.

The teacher could not believe her ears. " Janie, why are you an Eagles fan?"

"Because my mom is an Eagles fan, and my Dad is an Eagles fan, so I'm an Eagles fan too."

"Well!", said the teacher in an annoyed tone, " That is no reason for you to be an Eagles fan. You don't have to be just like you parents all of the time. What if you mom was a moron and your dad was a moron, what would you be then?"

"Then, smiled Jamie, we would be Steelers fans."

- Right back atcha

randyg said...

Good come back.......Good come back. I like the story LOL. So lets just agree to disagree and call it even. One last dig here. McNab didn't have a hernia......his menstrual cycle just finally started....Ah ha ha ha.

Anonymous said...

The best post to date !!!

randyg said...

robb - "that's it"? "that's all you got"?

Jeff P said...

Freeman -the poor girl is too confused from YEARS OF LOSING....she actually is the daughter of the Morons -she's just too stupid to realize it (like most Eagles fans who had a few too many before the game!).

randyg said...

Even without Big Ben they still win!!!!!!!!!

Steve Freeman said...

Come on! That was the Miami Dolphins. You consider that a real game? We'll see what happens over the long run. Remember, its a 16 game season.

randyg said...

It's still a win!!!!!!! Lets see what McFlabb can do now that his cramps are over with.