Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Reunion Dreams

I rarely dream at night...or if I do, I don't remember when I wake up. But my pregnancy hormones must be raging because I dream every single night...and it is always about the reunion or someone from our class.

Most pregnant women dream about their babies and here I am dreaming about the Class of '86.

It must be because I usually end up reading blogs at night before I go to bed. Maybe I need to cut back on my blog viewing.

The dreams have been either really funny or down right disturbing. Lets just hope none of them are premonitions or the reunion could be a scary event.

I wish I was able to make the trip up, but I look forward to reading about it here and hopefully seeing some photos too.


mathbach said...

thats funny. don't be a tease, tell us the disturbing stuff.

mj jones said...

funny Jamie brings back memories from my 2nd pregnancy I used to have night terrors. Dreams of being killed or killing, really awful stuff. At least yours are not at that level. I found that if I ate certain foods (like chocolate) at night it intensified the terrors.

pauko27 said...

Jamie, although I can't blame it on pregnancy, I have also had quite a few dreams about high school and 86 classmates since this all started months ago. I would hate to know what a psychiatrist would have to say about it.

kristen said...

the only nightmare i ever have related to school is forgetting locker combos and schedules...

Steve Freeman said...

Let's hope that the whole event is anything but a nightmare. I want to have a 25th reunion and fear that if this is a failure, NO ONE will come to the 25th.

Vicky said...

Jamie, if it's not too gruesome, you have to share the details!

I had weird dreams when I was pregnant the first time. I had a recurring dream that Georgia was deaf - and then she failed her first hearing test! She's fine, although she does suffer from selective hearing from time to time! I think this will probably get worse before it gets better. This time around I was just too old and tired to dream about anything.