Saturday, November 08, 2008

I'm not really Laura Ingalls Wilder

I make soap and bath things. I cook from scratch. I can and preserve. I grow my own vegetables. But I can't sew. I've always wanted to learn but never did. And yesterday at work, the hem of my pants came down, and I kept tripping on it. My head of department, a French woman called Gaele, is like Mary Poppins, and she always has a sewing kit in her purse and would have been happy to stitch up the hem of my pants for me. But she wasn't in.

So I got my stapler out and stapled the hem.

And the thing is, it will probably stay that way until I take them to the dry cleaners and they fix the hem for me.


mj jones said...

That is funny I can sew a button or a Boyscout patch but thats about it. I have been known to use masking tape to hold a hem on my pants. Try that next time.

kristen said...

i usually use tape

Vicky said...

Oh thank God! I'm so glad I'm not the only one! My students were rolling on the floor laughing when I got my stapler out. I was like, "What? Either I staple it or fall on my face."

Jamie said...

Never thought to staple them. I have a pair of pants I bought last year and each time I wear them, I re-tape them. Sad, but true!

Steve Freeman said...

I did a search for Laura Ingalls Wilder, and got this picture. Are you sure you aren't her?

Vicky said...

Steve, I just laughed my ass off! Thanks for that!