Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Get out and vote today!

Let's hope the most intellectual, educated and level-headed candidate with the most common sense and open mindedness wins today. These qualities lead to better judgements resulting in the best decisions, a much needed change from the fiasco of the last 8 years.

Please, please, please let's hope it's this candidate.


pauko27 said...

(And if John McCain is this candidate, so be it)

mj jones said...

I voted and I only took 15 minutes. Whoever wins surely will have alot of work to do. God bless him.

Jeff P said...

I waited for over 2 hours to vote....got there at 7:45 and voted at 9:50!!! WTF....you should be able to vote on-line. Of course, it was worth it.

Jamie said...

I went and voted once the morning rush was over and only had to wait about 10 minutes.

I agree with MJ...whoever wins will have a huge challenge ahead of him.

kristen said...

yes, it only took me about 15 minutes...hope it was worth the wait

Sonya C said...

I left work early and hit the polls at 2:20. I walked in and there was no one in line!!! As I was leaving, at least 10 people walked in the building.

mj jones said...

so does this mean Tracy will blog again, even though Obama won?

mathbach said...

certainly not with any of you kool-aid drinking lefty socialists!

pauko27 said...

I put a couple Obama signs on Tracy's lawn the day after the election. Wonder how well that went over? Ok, ok, I didn't really do that, but if the thought had occurred to me...