Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Steve Freeman said...

Great, now I want a friggin smoothie.

mj jones said...

is that what that is I thought it was beer or better yet koolaid.....funny thing some of the McCain people are really ticked. My friend just stormed out after are daughters dance class and refused to talk to me because of who I voted for. Its sad though because she voted soley on race which to me didn't even come into question. I could care less what color Obama is it came down to issues for me and I didn't agree with McCains.

Sonya C said...

I know what you mean MJ. I can't believe that people would end friendships over who you voted for, but I have seen it too. America is about having the right to disagree - but we are suppose to be civil about it.

Oh well, I am looking forward to the next four years. Even if he only keeps a few of his promises, we will be better off.

Vicky said...

She didn't vote for Obama ONLY because he's black? Do you really want to be friends with someone like that? I wouldn't. If she'd said "I disagree with this...I disagree with that..." then at least there is something to discuss. But to say "I won't vote for a black man." Does she wear her bedsheet at night and carry a torch?

Michelle (Heist) Edwards said...

I am very happy with the choice we made as a country. I believe it will be a tough road ahead but that there will be some positive changes made as well. I agree that race should not play a part in your decision. If you base your decision on that you should not be voting because race doesn't make change or decisions, people do.

mj jones said...

Her thoughts are that she works for a magistrate and she claims that the majority of people who come through there commiting crimes, looking for handouts ect. are minority. Her fear is that Obama is going to cater to those people. Just saying those are her thoughts not mine. The way she acted yesterday made me look and see that she is a very angry unhappy person. I will see her tonight and wonder if she will have anything to say or not. No big loss.......

Vicky said...

I know they're not your thoughts MJ. IMO, politics can bring out the ugly side of people. You might have thought she was a perfectly lovely person, and then to learn that she declined to vote for someone merely because of the color of his skin - well that would devastate me to learn that about someone I counted as a friend.