Friday, September 12, 2008


I go to Taekwondo twice a week and I love it. It's great for the body and soul, and I have less grey hair than I did before I started. At my Wednesday night class, while Georgia is sparring with the black belts, I do self-defense with the patterns coaches and lower belts. I always enjoy coming home and showing John what I've learned. Usually though, he makes fun of me, because I'll say "grab my shirt this way" or "come at me with your right hand". He asks me if I'm going to stop my attacker and say, "Hey dude, you're not coming at me the right way for me to do this move."

So on Wednesday night, we learned a takedown - you know, when someone comes at you and you floor them. I came home and asked him to let me show him what I learned. He snickered as he does and walked over to me and -- WHAM!!!! He was on the floor. He was looking up at me in total surprise, and then I leaned down and said, "Now I can finish you off with a kick to the head."

He won't mock me again, will he?


kristen said...

lol...the picture of you flooring him is hysterical

Jamie said...

Next time have a camera handy so you capture the shocked look on his face!

andrea said...

vicki- you make me laugh! rock on!!