Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Hobby - Now A Business

So you all know that I think I'm Laura Ingalls and I like living off the land! I also like making lots of things in my home, and I've decided to take the next step and see if there's anyone out there crazy enough to buy it. I've only got a few things listed, because I have to make a few more things and I'm waiting on some jars to arrive so I have something to store it all in. My shop is on Etsy.

Northern Naturals

Wish me luck!


Tracy said...

very cool Vicki, I had no idea you were so talented. If you have a second email me privately, I wanted to ask you if you could make something for me.

steve said...

Holy fuck!!!! Make it stop!!!!

>About Us

Good luck to you, Vicki, and give my condolences to your husband.

Vicky said...

Steve, my husband will be so happy to have someone to commiserate with!

Wow, Melissa's got loads in her shop. I only put a few things up because I have storage issues.

Tracy, I'll e-mail you later today. I've got to get ready for work!

Jamie said...

I am so impressed! You've gone beyond Laura Ingalls Wilder!

Donna Sensor Thomas said...

Good luck, Vicki!

Tracy said...

vicki, my main email addy is down again, try me at