Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Grease Is The Word...

At least in this house lately....It all happened a few months ago. Lucas wanted to watch High School Musical on TV...ok, fine, we watched it. Then I said, "ya know, if you like this, you'll loooooove "Grease"." "Ok, let's watch it." he said. Well, you don't have to ask me twice! I popped it in the VCR (yes, VCR), and Trisha & Lucas & I sat and watched the whole movie, no talking, no bathroom breaks. When it was over he said, "yea, I like that." So weeks went by and no one mentioned it again. Until about 2 weeks ago. Trisha decided she wanted to watch it. And she has watched it almost every day since. She has to take it to Nanny's and Nana's and make them watch it too. She sings the songs and mimics the actions. Yes, there are some words & actions in the movie she should not know, however, those usually go right over her head. The best thing is, the other day, my mom bought her an outfit for Halloween. It's a silky material and the pants are all black like the hot pants that Sandy wears at the end of the movie. She puts those on, and her high heeled play shoes and out her mouth comes "Tell me about it, Stud!" I guess "There are Worse Things She Could Do."


Tracy said...

that is soooo cute. My daughter loves HSM movies, I never thought to have her watch Grease. Her dad might not like it if she starts wearing hot pants, but he'll just have to get over it.

kristen said...

tracy, just think, he might want you to wear them!!

Tracy said...

since I haven't lost that last five pounds of baby weight yet it may be a BIG disappointment.

Sonya C said...

Thanks for the laugh this morning Kristen. I had a vivid picture of what your daughter looked like doing that....too bad you didn't have a camera to catch that magic moment.

mj jones said...

We went through this faze last year. I bought Lindsey the music cd off of ebay. I agree a little bit of sexual homor but it went right over her head. Must have went over mine as a kid too becasue I didn't remember that part. How many times did we see that movie together??? 3 or 4 and I bet it only cost a $1.

kristen said...

ok, so she just woke up...her first words to me this morning..
"some people are so touchy"

I've created monster