Saturday, August 16, 2008

Questions of the week

I need____________.

I hope____________.

I feel______________.

I can't_____________.

I can_______________.


Jamie said...

I need some home made brownies, but I don't feel like baking.

I hope my husband brings me something chocolate home since he's out on errands.

I feel tired of cleaning and always picking things up(toys!)

I can't wait for our trip to the beach!

I can hear my daughter singing when she is supposed to be having quiet time.

kristen said...

I need more sleep.

I hope I can stay awake long enough to visit the Monkey tonight.

I feel a little buzzed. Friends brought me wine from spain!

I can't believe school starts already in 2 weeks.

I can sleep late tomorrow, Trisha is sleeping at my moms!!

kristen said...

by the way...if anyone needs a night out...Shelia is supposed to be home this weekend and Common Bond is playing at the monkey from 10-1...the last i spoke to her she knew nothing of it...they will surprise her for her 40th!!

Sonya C said...

I need to win the lottery so I no longer have to work.

I hope that this day goes by quickly.

I feel fine.

I can't wait to go on vacation again - too bad it is still 11 months away.

I can keep a secret.

mj jones said...

I need to be more understanding of other peoples opinions and not always focus on my own.

I hope to live a long healthy life.

I feel like summer flew by.

I can't believe my son just turned 12.

I can hardly wait to get a paycheck again. These unemployment checks don't cut it.