Wednesday, May 02, 2007

What's a Mom's job worth?

Is this enough?


Vicky said...

Souns about right to me. Why do you think I went back to work? It's too hard to stay home! A friend of mine went back to work recently after a long time off raising her kids, and when she started intervewing, one of the jobs she put on her resumé was mother/homemaker, and listed all the skills that were required to raise her children and run her home efficiently. She was offered a number of jobs she applied for!

kristen said...

i wish i was paid that! i wouldnt be so torn about staying home or going back to work...i agree it is more difficult staying home than going to work, i've done both and i had much more free time when i worked, i could actually go to lunch and read a magazine while may not agree, but looking back now, that was a luxury

TerriE said...

I'm on the other side of the fence now being home w/ this pregnancy. It's easy for me b/c Shuli is in school all day and I'm free except for the many dr. appts. Being a teacher makes it much harder to come home and get everything done. There's always work that's taken home b/c the workload is so great there's no other time to complete it. I'd love to be a stay-at-home mom for a bit and focus just on my family.

mj jones said...

no amount of money could replace the years I was able to stay home full time. Right now I kinda have the best of both worlds, I like to say I work semi-part time driving the bus since I have off all summer, holidays and school closings. It's nice to have the extra money I make since it allows for a few extra in life. When the kids were little I think it would have been easier to dump them off at daycare and go to work but life isn't always easy is it?? One thing I know for sure is that I never want to work full time again. The only reason I would need to do that is to have more stuff and I don't need more stuff I just need happy healthy kids.

Michelle (Heist) Edwards said...

I wish I made that kind of money either at my full time job or being a stay at home mom. Being a single mom, I work full time and come home and be a full time mom/homemaker. Those of you who are able to be home with your kids are lucky and although that can be stressful, you don't have to deal with the work stresses on top of it. I envy MaryJo. I think working part time is the best of both worlds. You get to spend quality time with your kids and you also get out and bring in a little bit of money for your family.

Vicky said...

I stayed home with Georgia when she was little. I worked part time on the weekends and was home all week. Now John and I have changed roles, and he is home all week and works part time on weekends while I work during the week. I wouldn't have traded that time I had with Georgia for anything. Chris is a really happy baby because he's hanging out with his dad all day, and John is enjoying it. We have more time together as a family and I have happy kids.

mj jones said...

Funny Vicki my husband would actually make a better homemaker than me but his job is far better than mine was.

Michelle I feel for you being a single parent has to be the hardest job in the world.

Vicky said...

MJ, my husband is DEFINITELY a better homemaker than I am! Our jobs paid around the same, but mine had more earning potential long-term, so when the decision came as to who was going to stay home, it was a no brainer. John still works part time, but that's only because we like to go on vacation so much and somebody's got to pay for it!

pauko27 said...

This might be a seperate topic, but does anyone have a side business to earn a few extra bucks?

Vicky said...

John and I both do. He sells antenna balls on e-bay. We both do mystery shopping (alot of which we also sell on e-bay)

mj jones said...

I used to sell Longaberger, I am still a consultant but not actively selling to anyone but family. When I was active I cleared about $4-5 k a year.

Vicki one of the main reasons I work is for vacation. Next year when I turn 40 I want to try and take the kids on a Disney cruise. We'll see how much I can save because the Disney cruises are way more than the others, just may have to settle for another cruise line but I doubt the kids will care.

Vicky said...

Oh, I would LOVE to go on a Disney cruise! I love Disney! I want to go next to WDW Orlando for my 40th! We haven't been there since 2004. I'm having Micky withdrawal!

mj jones said...

I sugest if you go to go in December. We were there in 05 two weeks before xmas and the parks were empty. Not to mention absolutly beautifully decorated for xmas. If you've been to Disney before the holiday decor makes it all the more special. It won't be hot but it definatly won't be as cold as at home.

Jamie said...

I agree with MJ. When we lived there, we found the best time to go was between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Also, Universal often lets people in for free on New Years Day, but they don't advertise that and you need to be there when the gates open. Also, late January and February are good times to go...before Spring Break hits. Nice temperatures too and less thunderstorms than in the summer time.

Vicky said...

When I lived in Tampa I loved to go to WDW at Xmastime. Now we're confined to school holidays, unfortunately, so if we did go in December it would be for Christmas itself. The last time we went was in August 2004, and the day after we arrived, Hurricane Charlie went straight through Orlando! We've got some great video.

kristen said...

Brad just got back from orlando (school trip) and cant imagine taking our 3 kids to the park, crowded, crazy and hot..not our idea of a "vacation"...besides, our boys are that into the amusement park rides anyway

i've been selling Avon for the past (almost) 7 years now...dont make much, but its nice to have an extra couple bucks every other week and i get the discount on their products...vicki, i've always wondered about that mystery shopping stuff, is it worth it?

kristen said...

oops, meant to say our boys are NOT that into rides

mj jones said...

K-every kid should go to Disney you just have to find the right time!!!!

Vicky said...

This is going to be a long comment, sorry. :-/

Kristen, I think mystery shopping is worth it, not so much for the money, but for the stuff. Tonight after work I did a mystery shop at Walmart. They paid me £13 for the shop and £5 toward my shopping. I had to hit every department and find a colleague to ask a question. I had to note their name, description and whether they were "friendly and helpful". Obviously, you do all this without them knowing. Tonight I'll fill in a report online, and then next month £18 will go into my bank account. At the current exchange rate, £18 is $36. So basically, I got $36 worth of free food/stuff from Walmart. Not bad for about 20 minutes work. Tomorrow I'm doing 2 mystery shops at Virgin Mobile (different stores). I don't have to buy anything, just check out which phones they're promoting, whether they have a particular phone, and how long it takes for someone to ask me if I need help. I'll get £10 for each of those. That's $20! Sometimes we hit paydirt and we get to do MS at Games Workshop, which is a store for Warhammer and Lord of the Rings games. We get paid £10 for doing the shop and can spend £40 (this stuff isn't cheap). We usually sell that stuff on e-bay for pure profit. Last time we bought a Warhammer starter kit for £40 (reimbursed by the mystery shopping people), were paid £10 for doing the MS, and then sold the starter kit on e-bay for £30. So we made £40 for about 5 minutes' work. Definitely worth it. On average, we make around £100 a month (that's $200) in payments and stuff. It's not much, but over the course of 12 months, that's another vacation paid for! If you e-mail me at, I'll send you some links to websites. I'm clueless as to how to post a link in a comment.

Jamie said...

Hey Vicki...we were there in 2004 and Charley went right over our house. It was the scariest thing I've ever experienced.

Vicky said...

Jamie, the funny thing is that when Georgia and I were waiting in the airport for John's flight to arrive (we flew down from my mom's, he came from London) I was talking with this British woman who just arrived, and there was a really bad thunderstorm going on outside. She was saying how she hoped that there wouldn't be a hurricane and I said, "Oh, Orlando is too far inland to be hit by a hurricane." And the next day BAM! Charlie came knockin'. It wasn't the first hurricane I'd been in, but it was still scary!

Jamie said...

All my neighbors thought I was a nut for worrying. They all kept telling me there had been hurricane warnings before for Orlando, but besides "a little rain and a little wind" they never got hit. But I got batteries for my flashlight anyway! I didn't mind being in the dark...but August with no AC in Orlando? And then 2 more followed Charley. It was a crazy summer and I feel much safer here in VA! Although after reading all the posts about Disney, it almost makes me miss being able to go there regularly.