Tuesday, May 08, 2007

It's quiet. Too quiet.

Where is everybody?

I'm curious to see who still reads the blog, so let's do a head count. Whether you're a regular or a lurker, please reply!


Michelle (Heist) Edwards said...

I read it just about every day. Are you still coming home at the end of the month?

mj jones said...

still here waiting for some new hot topic, where's Randy I thought he agreed a while back to keep posting new topics when there was a lull in postings.

mathbach said...

to save Vicki some typing, she wrote this somewhere below...

"I'm sorry to say, but it doesn't look like we'll be coming at the end of the month after all. I'm really sorry. My mom had all these plans for her 75th birthday - and then the hospital bill arrived! She has insurance, but there are other expenses she didn't expect, so she's a bit disappointed she won't have us there for her birthday. I'm disappointed too, but we just can't afford to fly to the U.S. twice in one year, especially since we already booked a vacation for August that we already paid for (we booked it before my mom got sick). I'm also disappointed that I'll miss YET ANOTHER night at the Blue Monkey. :-/"

Jamie said...

I was trying to think of something new to post. But these days, I'm lucky if I can still think straight by noon. I vaguely remember keeping up with a whole classroom full of students...why are some days with a three year old so hard?

kristen said...

i'm here every day....usually more than once

jamie, do you want me to list the reasons?

some sad news to pass along, why does it seem like i'm always the one....dana hucalek's (sp?...'84) husband passed away yesterday, cancer...i'm not sure how many of you remember her, but it has been a long hard fought battle. I only met him once, but have fond memories as we attended the john mellencamp concert together in Hershey (along with Dana and Tammie Englert)

Jamie said...

You said most days at Catty playground? I'm definitely going to try to get there...the Tuesday or Wednesday after Memorial Day. Probably I'll shoot for 9:30 due to John's schedule. Do you ever head to North Catty? My dad always takes Ida there when we are home.

kristen said...

occassionally we are at N. Catty...for some reason, Trisha call that the "Rough Rider" playground. i have no idea where she got that? but again, we're always out in the morning...i am not ready to give up nap time yet!

randyg said...

Limited to lurking or blurking lately.

Sonya C said...

I try to read it at least once a day. I post when I have time and feel there may be something interesting that people want to discuss.

Donna (Skarbo) Sensor said...

I lurk every day.

Colin said...

I lurk. Check in about twice a week.

TerriE said...

I lurk a few times a week. I've a few more weeks before the baby arrives & the blog is a good diversion.

Vicky said...

Seriously, there are only ELEVEN of us that still check in? I read somewhere that something like 95% of all blogs cease to exist within 12 months. Are we going there? Is the '86 blog soon to be a memory?!?

mj jones said...

I hope not, I think alot of people are busy at this time of year and I also think there is probobly a lot of lurkers who refuse to fess up!!!

Carol (Schleicher) Good said...

I am here usually at least reading what is going on a few times a week. I guess that is lurking.