Friday, December 07, 2007

Christmas Decorations

Here's ours. Share yours.
The Santa at the foot of the tree plays "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" and his head moves from side to side and his arms move up and down (My mother in law bought it for Georgia years ago - nothing to do with me!). Last night when I got the decorations out and turned it on, Chris kept saying, "on, on", demanding that Santa do his thing 24/7. Well, poor Santa couldn't take it. After about an hour, his head did a 360 like The Exorcist and now he doesn't move anymore.


Michelle (Heist) Edwards said...

It looks very nice and festive. Can you believe that Christmas is less than 3 wks away???? Time is really flying.

kristen said...

festive that a frasier fur vicki? that's my favorite, it looks like an old-fashioned tree has been up for a week now, but not decorated yet

Jamie said...

It looks great Vicki. I love seeing people's trees and decorations. I have to take some photos of ours.

Sorry to hear your Santa had a breakdown! ;o)

Sonya C said...

I am not decorating again this year. I live in the woods so no one gets to see any outside decorations and no one comes to our house, so no one would see the inside decorations.

I am also afraid of the dog breaking some of my ornaments and I have no place to put up a tree unless I move my bird out of the living room which would be stressful for him.

I can hear most of you saying "bah humbug", but I have plenty of excuses lined up for you.

Vicky said...

I would love to live in the woods! I put up decorations mostly for my kids. I think if we didn't have any kids, I wouldn't do as much decorating. I certainly wouldn't have all the noisy, moving, sing-songy decorations that I currently have all over the house. I'm getting stressed with the boy, who thinks it's great to pull everything off the tree, to knock stuff over, to throw stuff and climb things. We put the tree up last night and I think he's been in the naughty corner about 347 times since then!

kristen said...

same here vick, definately pull everything out for the kids...each year I have to drag my lazy butt up into the attic to force myself to decorate...things are way too commercialized these days...and we too have the noisy, moving singy-songy decorations that I would not have if there were no kids...

"naughty corner"..woo-hoo super nanny to the rescue...i use the "naughty mat" & trisha despises it!

Vicky said...

The thing is, with the naughty corner, it's not really a deterrent. I put him in the corner, and then after a minute I go to him and tell him again why I put him in the corner, and that it's naughty to do this particular thing, and you're not going to do that again, right? Then he laughs at me and nods, as if to say "Screw you Mom. I'll do what I want." And then 5 minutes later he's in the corner again. He's too little for a naughty step, because he'd climb up and down them instead of sitting there, contemplating his behavior. ;-)

mj jones said...

you girls make me laugh when Austin was little he would never stay in time out so I would have to strap him in his high chair.....(oh my)
as for decorating we do not do much entertaining here because we go to my brothers on xmas eve and my inlaws xmas afternoon so noone really comes to see stuff. I do still decorate but I don't go crazy. I love putting lights outside and have about 30 strands there. A couple years ago we started having our extended family over around January 8th and it works great since everyone is available. But by then things are put away. We usually have 2 trees but this year we decided to only put up the artificial one with the kids stuff. Partly because we are getting new carpet and furniture and partly because I just don't feel like shlepin out in the cold to cut one down. We are all kinda down this year since we lost our Dear Aunt Linda so maybe next year we'll do more.

kristen said...

oh, trisha also doesnt sit very still...she slides on the mat all around the kitchen floor or moves to the front of the microwave where she can watch the timer go down and wait for it to ring..definately a "f-u mom" attitude with her