Wednesday, July 23, 2008



Donna Thomas said...

Hee hee! I'm amused.

Vicky said...

Well, don't just moan about it! Post something FFS! How are things at Woof World? I love to watch the live feed! :-)

Steve Freeman said...

Okay, my age is starting to show. What is FFS? I'm serious, I don't text much at all and have no idea what FFS is. And yeah, post something about Woof World. My wife wants to bring our french bulldog over for a play date.

mj jones said...

yeah what is FFS all I can think is for freaking sake and thats probobly not it

Vicky said...

Sorry, FFS is very British and very rude. It means "for f***s sake"!

steve said...

It wasn't a moan, just an observation... and I'm both shamed/proud of having understood "FFS" before the translation.


WoofWorld is stupendously uninteresting: dogs show up, they do dog stuff, they leave. It pays the bills. If you watch the videos, you DO get to see my smokin' hot, awesomely manly Croc's once in a while.


This blog needs some garlic to kick it up a notch.

Type out "fuck" instead of saying "f^%#". A "profane-est" post contest might lure Judy back.
Race, sexual orientation, religion, politics - there's so many things to mock each other and get all worked up about that are being completely overlooked here.

Vicky said...

Steve, I didn't type out "fuck" because I didn't want to offend anyone - although Judy never held back, did she?! :-)

I think we tend to avoid the subjects you mentioned because people would get offended and arguments would ensue. It happens all the time on the american expat forum I frequent. Currently, there are discussions about Kucinich's attempts at impeaching Dubya, McDonald's doing product placement on Fox "News", the Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae bail out, and how much we all hate Gwyneth Paltrow. Someone is bound to get offended, particularly on the Paltrow thread, and then that person leaves the forum for awhile until things cool down, and everybody goes "Hey, where's ******?" There are so few people left on this blog. Could you imagine if we lost someone over a disagreement about religion, race, sex, or politics? There'd be no one left!

mj jones said...

I'll bite why do hate Gwyneth Paltrow

steve said...

Ha-ha! No one will come down here anymore!!!

Fuckity-fuck fuck fuck, motherfuckers!!!

Your religion is wrong, mine is the right one.

Republicans are evil and greedy. Stupid poor people vote for them.
Democrats are needy pussies looking for a hand-out. Guilty rich people vote for them.

Members of your race are either lazy, cheap, drunks, stupid, or evil.

Being proud of your children = arrogance.

I hope I offended someone.

mathbach said...

did it work?

mj jones said...

Yes there are plenty of whites who are lazy, cheap, drunk, stupid, or evil. But how can you say my religion is wrong when you don't even know what it is? I thought guilty rich peoeple voted for Republicans and as for being arrogant about my kids you haven't had the privledge of meeting them or you would know exactly why I am sooo proud.

mj jones said...

oh and I forgot don't fuck with me and say anything about my kids!!!

steve said...

Wow, people look at old posts?!

MJ, that was a joke. The point is that anyone can truly believe any of those things about anyone else without really knowing much about them. It can be a source of amusement to argue about it with people who take themselves too seriously; otherwise it's at best frustrating, at worst foolish.

Re: religion, each of three major world religions claim exclusive access to salvation. In other words, they can NOT all be right. At least two (possibly all 3) are WRONG, but with billions of followers world-wide, apparently no one is considering that possibility.

Example: if you believe the central message of Christianity (God sent his son Jesus to pay for your sins because otherwise you could never be worthy of God), then you must also believe that Jews, Muslims, Atheists, etc. are all wrong and God will forsake them. IF you REALLY, REALLY, believe that and you care about your fellow humans, you should try and convince them their world-view is fatally flawed.

I guarantee hilarity will ensue.

mj jones said...

of course I knew that was a joke and was just playing along