Sunday, July 27, 2008

Another Year, Another Vacation....Over :(

Here I sit again, bumming that it went so fast, but also glad to get back to my home. The weather was awesome, had fun on the beach. Trisha is fearless when it comes to trekking out in the ocean. I had to stop her several times from venturing too far. We made friends with the lifeguard (Lisa) the umbrella boy (Dixon) and a family from Jersey who owns a condo in the building where we stayed. The have 2 labs that love to play in the ocean. The kids had fun throwing their toy and watching them swim back in with it. We ate well: crabs, clams, lobster, steak...and spent most days just relaxing on the beach. The ocean temp was 85+ and mostly calm. We had some rip tide warnings due to Hurricane "B" (was it Bertha, cant remember) and tropical storm Cristabal. Thanks Tracy for the free passes to MayDay Golf, the kids always enjoy a good game of mini-golf (even though it was so stinkin' hot!)


mj jones said...

welcome back how can it have been 2 weeks. glad you had a great time>

Michelle (Heist) Edwards said...

Welcome back! The pictures are great. Sounds like you had a great time. Your son Jake is soooooo tall.

Tracy said...

Glad you had fun and hope nobody melted in the heat!

kristen said...

yes, michelle...he was last measured at 5'10'' so that makes him taller than me now!

and tracy, no one melted, but it certainly felt like we were!

Jamie said...

Glad you had such a good time. I know you really look forward to your vacation.

Where are the photos of you?