Monday, June 23, 2008

The Biggest Loser

Okay, I realize this program finished long ago in the U.S., but it's just started airing here in the U.K. and I'm completely addicted. It's spurring me on to go to the gym a bit more often, and that can only be a good thing. Tonight was Week 10, where one of the brothers was eliminated. I've noticed that there's alot of man-crying on this show, and tonight was no exception. The way they were talking about this guy and crying over him, it was more like he was going to face a firing squad instead of going home to Boston. I have to admit, I don't really understand how to play the "game", I'm just interested in the weight loss. I do know how it turns out because I checked out the NBC website, but I'm still enjoying the show. By the way, Georgia does an exceptional impression of Roger, and his Alabama accent. "Pride on three, pride on three."

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