Monday, June 09, 2008

8th Grade Farewell Dance

Well another chapter is about to come to an end for my daughter and her friends. They are finishing up their last week at W/C Middle School and off to the High School they will go in the Fall. They had their farewell dance on Saturday night and it was really great to see all the girls dressed up since most of them are usually seen in jeans. These pictures are of Jenna and her friends.


kristen said...

yes, they all look so nice dressed up...we had an 8th grade celebration at CMS this year too (well the past several years) i wasnt aware that most of the schools in the area now do that too...they all had a good time.

randyg said...

Michelle - Kaylyn also attended the Whitehall dance. She looked so grown up. To think they will be freshmen next fall???????? Ugh.

kristen said...

randy...where's the picture?

randyg said...

I'll try and post some soon. Haven't posted pictures in a while and will have to figure that out again.

How are you Kristen?

kristen said...

randy, i'm assuming you asked before we talked, but i dont want to appear rude to the others so...I am good. And you'll never believe it, but I am going back to work...only part-time though so go get all crazy there! I start on Monday already (6/16) in the district office at Catty (school district) I'll be working anywhere on average 5 hours a day. will work out real well when all the kiddies are in school. i will get them to school & then be home when they get home

Vicky said...

Michelle they look lovely. My daughter starts high school in September too. I'm not ready for it.