Saturday, November 04, 2006

Remember, remember the 5th of November

Little history lesson for you. This is Guy Fawkes. On 5th November 1605 he tried to blow up King James I and both houses of Parliament in what was called The Gunpowder Plot. He failed, was caught, tried and hung, drawn and quartered.

Tonight my family and I, like thousands of families all over Britain (but especially here in Yorkshire, because Guy was a Yorkshireman) went to a bonfire and fireworks display. People barbecue, have parties, and kids make effigies of Guy Fawkes and sit outside the supermarket with him asking for "a penny for the guy." Back in my husband's day, kids used to use their pennies from the guy to buy candy, but nowadays it's cigs and beer.

In 2002, Guy was named one of the 50 great people of Yorkshire and one of the 100 Greatest Britons, putting him on the same list as Winston Churchill, John Lennon and Johnny Rotten. Happy Bonfire Night!


kristen said...

thanks for the lesson, vicki, sounds like fun

Jeff P said...

V for Vendetta....very nice!
Sounds like a reason to have a drink to me....


pauko27 said...

looks like we're back to Guy Fawke at the top. where did Steve's posting go?

randyg said...

Scout here again. Looks like the "Master" couldn't take a little heat. Needless to say he still hasn't taken me for a walk!



steve said...

Ithought maybe Scout's last comments could be misinterpreted - text lacks tone. You bust your friend's stones, not a strangers'. Thought better to delete than offend, especially since I'm not a regular contributor.

Sorry if applicable.

<--resuming silence

Vicky said...

Shame that. Scout was so cute. Even if he did have bad taste in hats.

pauko27 said...

Vicki, you should know that probably all of us had no idea who Guy Fawke was, and now he's stuck in our heads forever from seeing him on the blog everyday.

We need a good posting about American history.