Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Six Weeks Old

John Matteo is six weeks old today so I figured it's about time I post some pictures. Hey Sonia...hopefully these will be easier to look at!


Sonya C said...

Jamie, he is so adorable!!! Thanks for sharing with us all.

Yes, these pictures are so much easier on the eyes.

Michelle (Heist) Edwards said...

Congratulations!!! He is beautiful along with your daughter. Happy Holidays!

Steve Freeman said...

Congrats Jamie. I know what you are saying about the other pic. Mike is so hard to look at.

kristen said...

congratulations jamie...i've been waiting to see something on our blog...i hope you dont mind, but i have been checking your blog periodically and it is absolutely wonderful that you record everything about your childs' lives...i only wish i was that organized and took the time to do the same......they will appreciate it so much when they are older!! i have also found your sister's blog amazing...i am planning on looking for "The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey"!!

Carol (Schleicher) Good said...

Jamie, Congratulations on your new little one. He and your daughter are beautiful! I can't get over how much your daughter looks like you. I hope things are going well and you are getting some sleep. Boys are alot of fun!

Vicky said...

Jamie, he's beautiful. I hope you all are doing well and settling into a new routine! Does Ida love being a big sister?

I used to read your blog regularly, but since going back to work in September I haven't had time. I've got to make a point of reading it again! I've been thinking about you recently and thought "She must have had that baby by now!"

I love his fluffy hair!

Jamie said...

Thanks everyone!

Kristin...thanks for your comment on my blog. I'm actually surprised at how many people read it. I really enjoy doing it. It's much better than a baby book, don't you think? Now you have to comment over there too! You can find Jonathan Toomey on amazon.com if you don't see it in the stores. It's an awesome children's book.

Vicki...you mean you can't sit at your computer while you give your students busy work? ;o)

mj jones said...

Congrats Jamie, I love the matching sweaters!!