Monday, November 27, 2006


Anything new to post from the Thanksgiving gatherings? I thought you guys would have posted how it went by now. Any pictures??? Gotta post something to keep this blog alive.


Sonya C said...

I was at my parent's house so couldn't download the pictures....hope to do that this evening and post a new blog.

I hope everything went well with your friend.

Tracy said...

just got back home late saturday....great to see husband was suprised that i remembered as many people as I did....hopefully i will make the next reunion in five years....

kristen said...

heard i missed everyone at the monkey...i was at the catty club after 9 until about 10:30 then went to the monkey, i went right upstairs and about 11 muller came up and said all you ladies were downstairs..when he took shelia and i down, everyone was gone...thought about hitting the club again when i left the monkey close to midnight, but decided to go right home since my little alarm clock goes off before 7am...